Author Topic: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade  (Read 10447 times)

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2022, 06:11:28 pm »
As an alternative to the LH28F320SKTD-L70 chip, I think it is possible to use LH28F160S5T-L70A or LH28F160S5H-L70.
But I didn't check it.

Depends if the analyser needs the full amount of memory. The 28F320 is a 32Mbit part, the 28F160 is 16Mbit -- half the size.

Two 28F160 chips would give 8Mbyte Flash
Two 28F320 chips would give 16Mbyte Flash

Edit: from the screenshots above, 8MB Flash is the unexpanded module, which won't fit the latest firmware - so the 28F320 chips are required
Yes you are right.

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2022, 11:55:06 am »
The memory chips arrived today. Soldered 2 new chips.
Everything worked without problems.
Firmware version A.14.06 also got up without problems.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2022, 01:55:31 pm by ua4yhz »
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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2023, 03:11:29 am »
Hi all, old thread but i thought I'd share what i learned the hard way regarding the issue experienced by xrunner and others with the ESALOADER floppy disk not booting.
As far as I can see, the SA *really* wants ESALOADER to be the *only* thing on the floppy....including directory entries.
If you're using a newish Windows OS (I was using W10), it will automatically add a hidden/system folder "System Volume Information" to your floppy.  Even the act of just inserting the floppy (without any deliberate read/write action) will cause Windows to inspect the floppy and "helpfully" add the folder if it's not there.
I understand there is a way to disable this behaviour with a registry setting (search for "windows disable system volume info removable media"), but as I had a working WinXP system, i just used it to prepare the floppies - no problems.
I did lots of experiments formatting the floppies and copying the files on different systems (including formatting on the SA).  They could all be read on the SA using the file menu so I'm confident it's not a format/drive issue.
FYI I was using the same USB floppy drive on both systems.
Good luck!
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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2023, 03:39:01 am »
Hi all, old thread but i thought I'd share what i learned the hard way regarding the issue experienced by xrunner and others with the ESALOADER floppy disk not booting.

Thank you edp, hopefully it will help others take a shorter path than we have had to take!  :-+
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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2023, 06:23:48 am »
Gratitude post!
I managed to successfully upgrade the Flash SIMM in my e4402b thanks to the info in this thread (and from The Signal Path).
Thanks in particular to Nitrous Oxide and xrunner for sharing your photos and experiences.
...and as xrunner found, if at first you don't succeed - take a closer look at the soldering of those tiny pins!  :palm:
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Offline rplabs

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2023, 10:10:59 am »

From where are people ordering the LH28F320SKTD-L70 flash chips?
I checked Mouser, Digi-Key and RS Components and they don't have them.

I would like to get them from a trusted source. If I order from China maybe I will get some relabeled ones. Too many reports of the forum about fake/relabeled ICs.


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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #31 on: February 16, 2023, 11:57:28 am »

From where are people ordering the LH28F320SKTD-L70 flash chips?
I checked Mouser, Digi-Key and RS Components and they don't have them.

I ordered from an Ebay supplier. Took a chance and they worked. I don't have any other solutions for you.
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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2023, 12:16:47 pm »
I see. I just looked on ebay and some chips have some funny writing. The S in SHARP is like a 8.

I also found some which look legit but I will need to confirm with seller if that is really what they will ship and not some fake ones.

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #33 on: February 16, 2023, 06:40:49 pm »
Is there a chance that 64Mbit chips would fit (28F640)?
For instance

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2023, 08:13:34 pm »
That one for sure not because it is 3.3V and the original ones are 5V.

Other 64Mbit might work but I am not sure about the Memory Organization when it is formatted  if it will be OK.

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2023, 10:48:50 am »
I ordered mine from ebay seller "chipsgate" in December 2022, here:
Mine worked ok... but yes, it is a gamble.

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #36 on: February 24, 2023, 01:05:05 pm »
Thanks! You received them new? I see it advertised as "new" but in the picture looks like they are desoldered.

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2023, 11:47:31 pm »
Yup brand new, no problems.

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #38 on: March 02, 2023, 08:51:15 pm »
Nice, those look like original ones. I ordered mine also from China and writing is the same in the the seller's pictures. Let's see what I will get.

I also did some research for the RAM stick used and the following details are to be considered:
32MB (4Mbit x 4 / chip / 16 chips)
FPM 5V 60ns 2K Refresh

Important part here seems to be that you need FPM and not EDO memory. The Motorola 68K CPU in ESA doesn't support EDO memory. Did some reading on some vintage Apple forums because early Macs used same 68K CPU.

I am not sure which model of the CPU is used in ESA but if it is not the 68040 maybe an upgrade can be done and it will be faster?!

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #39 on: March 03, 2023, 08:24:45 am »
Regarding RAM, I purchased one of these "32MB Ps/2 Edo Simm RAM Memory 60ns Non-Parity Hyundai HYM532814AM-60 IBM" from ebay seller electromyne and it works fine in my unit.

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #40 on: March 03, 2023, 07:49:09 pm »
That is very interesting. The original RAM sticks are all FPM. The 68K CPU works with FPM but I saw some reports for some late 68K Apple Macs that support both. Maybe HP/Agilent did some optimization to support both.

Can you tell me what CPU board part number you have? My ESA is the old HP branded model from 1999. I saw on eBay some CPU boards that look a little bit different than mine.

I have 2 EDO sticks 32MB 60ns 2K refresh. I will try it next week if I have time to see if it works. Maybe I don't need to buy new memory if these are OK.

Thanks a lot for reporting that EDO memory works!

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #41 on: March 04, 2023, 07:25:01 am »
Hi rplabs, my e4402b reports processor board part # e440160059 serial # 01004407087 rev 99 D.  Instrument serial is prefix US4024.

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Re: Agilent ESA E4401B Memory (B72) and Firmware upgrade
« Reply #42 on: December 30, 2023, 10:57:20 pm »
Hi all, old thread but i thought I'd share what i learned the hard way regarding the issue experienced by xrunner and others with the ESALOADER floppy disk not booting.

I had problems on Windows 10 making an ESA Loader Disk, until I read the above post, and used Windows XP. I used Virtual Box, and a copy of WinXP SP3 from the internet archive: Note not to download the dodgy links in the replies/comments, but use the link on the right, either direct or the torrent link.

I was using mac os as the host, and had to run virtualbox as sudo, starting a terminal and typing sudo virtualbox

Then I was able to connect my USB floppy drive, do a full format on a disk, and copy the ESALOADR file across, without messing with the file extension. Works in both my ESA E4402-B units.
So far with these I have: - removed the tubes and installed 3mm LED strips into the displays, replaced the divide chip in the RF section to fix the LO unlock error, one I had to order a powersupply as it was missing, and now I have some new DRAM - 32MB EDO Non-parity 60ns 72-pin SIMM 5V 8x32. I also added the 2 sharp flash chips, and yes, they are tricky wee buggers to solder. You need to remove one solderlink nearest the corner, and I added in 8 more decoupling caps to the Flash SIMM. You really need a microscope to check the soldering, to make sure there are no shorts and floating pins etc. I would recommend tinning the pads, and then using solder wick braid to remove the solder on the pads, before trying to tack the chip. This should get the chip as close to the board as possible, and that will help the solder flow around the pad and pin. - Also recommend using LOTS of flux as others have advised. I flooded mine with the stuff Louis Rossman sells, the AMTECH NC-559-V2-TF.

Will let you all know how I get on, loading the disks in now, at the 4th one. Fingers crossed.

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