I have an e-bike, which uses a MAHLE X35 hub drive. Unfortunately, the motor cable was squeezed by accident. Since then I get an error message (HALL_SENSOR_FAULT #).
I thought that I could repair the cable (solder it), but there is no wire cut (see image).
According to a manual I found, the motor uses the CAN BUS interface:
https://mahle-smartbike.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/MAHLE_X20_UserManual.pdfSince I'm not familiar with CAN BUS, I have a few questions.
Is it possible, that a squeezed cable alone (no short circuit) can lead to errors? If so, why? Which property of the cable changes due to squeezing it?
Is there any chance to fix it?
How can you do proper diagnosis in such a case?
Your help is appreciated! If I can not fix it, I have to get a new motor for $400. Would be very sad to dispose the whole motor because of that.