Thanks, the reason i suspect the cap , is that this cap is the main thing that affects the position of the zero cross pulse....making this cap bigger in Farads makes the ZX pulse lead the zx by more time...and this is the fault we are are seeing th zx pulse lead the zx by more time as the AC is increased from 85vac to 125vac. (this wouldnt happen of the cap was the same value throughout...and most of the ccts dont show this fault)
...having said that, some of the ccts using this cap, which are exactly the same, are not showing this fault. But then sometimes, they do show it.
And the 240VAC circuit does not show this fault. At least not in the short intervals where i tested it.
If the fault would present itself permanenetly it woudl make things easier. Its intermittent.
I bet this is a common fault with AC cross circuits, as discussed, they are all pretty well the same, the discrete ones.