Easier said than done to seal the refrigerant inside, there's a reason why hermetic compressors have been the norm for decades.
Refrigerants are extremely leaky. They will happily leak through any seal.

Where do people come up with this shit??
What the hell do you think is under the bonnet of every car and has been in at least some for 50 Freaking years?
A belt driven Refrigeration compressor for the AC.
The seals last just fine and by law in about every country are not allowed to leak refrigerant into the atmosphere.
I have set up car AC systems driven by a small Diesel engine. Just took the system out the car, extended the High and Low side Pipes with copper which I used normal AC line insulation for and put a thermostat on the evaporator to cut the compressor as the normal cut out for icing was controlled by the cars computer and another inline for internal temp control. This was also hooked to the engine through a solenoid on the engine so it went to idle when the AC clutch cut out. The signal went through a 10 sec relay to the clutch so the engine had time to come back up to revs before the compressor load dropped back in. Cutout was instant.
As I have done with all my vehicles, Instead of R134a I used regular LPG. Works like a charm and is cold as Charity. ( and I'll wait for the comments on that!

Instead of charging by weight as normal with refrigerants I charged by pressure ( around half on 134a) but it's easy to " tune" by measuring the outlet temp from the evaporator as would normally be checked anyway. Add in plenty of oil and all is good.
A decent size vehicle AC has about the same BTU capacity as a mid size domestic split system so they are far from weak.
For heating all that would need to be done would be to put the condenser in the home and put the evaporator outside. Could use the normal coils just reverse positioning to make packaging easier.
It would be a waste not to put in a normal reversing valve from a domestic AC which are readily available as spare parts so the unit could heat in winter and cool in summer.
The advantage of an engine driven AC as a heat pump would be you could direct the cooling air and exhaust through the evaporator coils to bump the efficiency hugely. Instead of that 30% energy as heat being wasted, it could now be utilized going back to the Home or space. This would be a massive benefit in very cold temps below about 5 oC as it would allow the unit to operate on a much more efficient curve and prevent Icing problems of the evaporator. As the evaporator is not size specific, One could get a larger Condenser off a domestic unit which would allow better heat transfer still though larger surface area and allow the use of a lower powered fan if that was needed at all. Exhaust gas and sealing and ducting the Inlet side of the air cooled engine so as to set ap a positive pressure exhausting through the condenser would probably be more than enough.
As said, large commercial AC compressors are nearly all belt driven over a certain capacity and are usually reciprocating Piston types in multi cylinder configurations. Been used for years and give many years of service without leakage which is almost always from the pipes and joints when they do occur.
It really would be best if people did know what they were talking about before they proved their ignorance.