Hey guys, I read the dials on the audio generators wrong
. I was actually inputting 1.2kHz and 50kHz sine waves. I came to know of this after double checking them on the scope today.
I have attached a photo of the triangle waveform I mentioned, I am still using the 100 ohm resistor and the 1uF capacitor.
I have 3 more follow ups:
1. Why is showing the triangle waveform in this case?
2. How can you calculate the current draw from the opamp output when you've got a capacitor on the output
3. When a load say speaker is connected to listen to the output, would it alter the result if so how to mitigate it?
I didn't get to play around with it today, but setting the audio generators to 120Hz and 1kHz, I was able to filter out the high frequency nicely.
Thanks for the help