This will be the first time using this transistor and I'm a bit uncertain about the use of the bottom pad. The device, a PChannel MOSFET, has 8-pins configured as 1-Gate, 3-Source and 4-Drain so all 8 pins are spoken for, and in addition it has a single large pad underneath the device that is also connected to Drain. So, it appears that the drain connection can be made to any of the four drain pins or to the large pad underneath, but is there anything else I need to know about this large pad? Can I ignore it and just connect to the drain pins? Given my desire to operate at a max of 5A it makes sense to connect to ALL the drain pins and all the source pins to spread the current load -- the pins are not real big. The N-Channel MOSFET (SI4186DY) I chose as a complement for my H-bridge is also 8 pin with 1-Gate, 3-Source and 4-Drrain but is has no pad underneath. So, I think I should be able to avoid the large pad altogether but am open to advise here...
The reason I chose these MOSFET's is that they are large enough to see and work with but it also has appropriate voltage and current ratings as well as very low RdsON. I find it amazing that these devices are both well below 3mOhm RdsON.