Author Topic: Why trying to store energy in a capacitor can be less efficient than you think  (Read 59156 times)

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Offline Zero999

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1/2*Q*V is a statement about capacitance. To me it doesn't make sense to ascribe the 1/2 power term to ESR. In the two capacitor example the fact that they reach an equilibrium is a demonstration that one energy holds back the other. In order to add energy you have to overcome the existing energy. If ESR was involved the capacitor with the lowest ESR would suck all the energy. To me capacitors are not electrical sponges. To charge a capacitor you have to push the charge carriers kicking and screaming so to speak.
If doesn't matter which capacitor has the higher ESR, when the steady state condition is reached, the voltage across the capacitors will be the same and half of the energy transferred will be lost in the wiring resistance and the ESR of the capacitors.

Online IanBTopic starter

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What will happen if we connect the two capacitors in parallel using a lossless transmission line? Let's say the transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 50 ohms. As the transmission line is lossless, there is no resistance and the transmission line will not radiate any energy either. However, as we connect the capacitor to the transmission line, the current will be limited by the 50 ohm impedance, and we do not have a problem of zero resistor anymore.

See this thread:

T3sl4co1l has done that analysis there with a fascinating result.

Offline Jay_Diddy_B

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If the Transmission line, line of impedance Z, is long compared to the time constant C x Z

That the propagation time is Tp >> C x Z

The capacitor will discharge with an exponential waveform with peak current = Vcharge / Z

The pulse will travel down the line charge the capacitor at the other end and then reverse.


Offline Siwastaja

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the charging capacitor as a load "wants" all voltage levels starting from 0.

I don't quite understand that one. A capacitor isn't a being so I don't where its "desires" or "wants" come from.

A capacitor "wants" exactly what voltage its terminals are currently at, and you have to go through all voltages from 0 to your max. This is an important distinction compared to an ideal battery, or even a real battery, which is a voltage source/sink with constant voltage itself. This difference explains the whole 50% loss thing which happens when charging a capacitor with a CV source, but not when charging a battery with a CV source.

Offline GeorgeOfTheJungle

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What will happen if we connect the two capacitors in parallel using a lossless transmission line? Let's say the transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 50 ohms. As the transmission line is lossless, there is no resistance and the transmission line will not radiate any energy either. However, as we connect the capacitor to the transmission line, the current will be limited by the 50 ohm impedance, and we do not have a problem of zero resistor anymore.

See this thread:

T3sl4co1l has done that analysis there with a fascinating result.

From an energy point of view, this behaves very much like communicating vessels.

Take two vessels one full and one empty, open the tap, let the water flow and you'll end up with 1/2 the initial (potential) energy in the system: 2 * (1/2 the mass at 1/2 the height).

Where did the other half go?

To move water from vessel a to b requires work. There's a mass of water that has aquired kinetic energy. It was still but now it's moving. There are losses due to friction while flowing, and the water arriving at b keeps revolving for a while in the vessel until any remainig kinectic energy is totally gone due to friction then stops. All is gone as heat.

s/water/electrons/g, and s/vessel/capacitor/g, and there you have it?

Electrons have mass, have kinetic energy, and there are energy losses when they flow through a wire.
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Online IanBTopic starter

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From an energy point of view, this behaves very much like communicating vessels.
For a minute there I thought you meant ships at sea sending messages to each other   :)

But this overall situation is going to occur over and over in physics, in any situation where work is expressed as a potential difference times a flow, or a force times a velocity. It becomes an inevitable consequence of applied mathematics, and hence becomes a unifying element across many different phenomena.

Offline GeorgeOfTheJungle

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From an energy point of view, this behaves very much like communicating vessels.
For a minute there I thought you meant ships at sea sending messages to each other   :)

Google translate "vasos comunicantes" :)

But this overall situation is going to occur over and over in physics, in any situation where work is expressed as a potential difference times a flow, or a force times a velocity. It becomes an inevitable consequence of applied mathematics, and hence becomes a unifying element across many different phenomena.

Other way of thinking about this is: how much energy does it take to fill vessel b (the capacitor)?

If vessel a had initially 2 kg of water, and 2 meters of height, to fill vessel b we have to lift 1kg of water 1 meter, right?

From an energy point of view that's an increment of ~10 joules (mgh, g~=10) of (potential) energy.

But how much energy do you really need to lift 1kg 1 meter? No, it's not 10 joules, it's always *more* than that, no matter what!

Say you try to lift with 1 kg of force (kp). What happens? Nothing... because that's it's weight, it stays where it is! (at "potential 0").

So you've got to apply more than a kg of force (kp). Say 2 kp during 1 meter to lift it rapidly. How much work is that? 2kp * 1m ~= 20 julios (1kp ~= 10N).

That's *twice* the potential energy the water has gained. Where's the rest?

The water is now moving upwards, it has acquired kinetic energy (?Ek). F= 2kp(lift force)-1kp(weight) = 1kp = m*a => a ~= 10m/s ; v2= 2a*(x-x0)+0 => ?Ek= 1/2*m*v2= 1/2*1*2a*1+0= 10 joules.

So the faster you pull to lift it to the desired potential, the more energy wasted.
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Offline GeorgeOfTheJungle

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So the faster you pull to lift it to the desired potential, the more energy wasted.

It also makes sense because energy losses in a wire are proportional to I squared: transfer a Coulomb in a second and the losses will be 4 times more than in 2 seconds. So be green and to save the planet charge your caps gently :)
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Offline The Electrician

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There are errors in your analysis of the case of lifting water in a gravitational field.  You can stop the lifting force before the water reaches its final destination, let gravity decelerate it; the kinetic energy is converted to potential energy.  It doesn't matter how fast you move something from point A to point B in a gravitational field; as long as there are no frictional losses the change in potential energy only depends where point A and point B are.


"Gravity is an example of a conservative force, while friction is an example of a non-conservative force."

The I^2*R losses are frictional losses--not conservative.

So the faster you try to charge a capacitor through a resistance the greater the losses.  Not so for moving mass from one point to another in a gravitational field (without friction).

Online T3sl4co1l

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The gravitational potential is the same as the potential of the capacitor.  It takes energy to increase the potential of a capacitor incrementally; indeed, the amount required is exactly proportional to voltage (dE/dV = CV).

Note that dE/dV is... simply the charge Q.

Another way to think of it, you're winding up a spring.  Every increment of displacement upon the spring requires increasingly higher force, and therefore the energy required for a given small displacement rises proportional to the total displacement.

They are all conservative forces; the main difference with gravity is, it's a doubly small change (displacement << radius of Earth), so the force doesn't change noticeably with displacement, and we write U = m g h for the local gravity field, rather than U = 1/2 k x^2 for the spring.

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Offline MrAl

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That is correct. However, the energy loss is not due to any resistance what so ever.

Hello there,

But what you are suggesting is not real because there is ALWAYS some resistance no matter how small, and  considering that i had qualified my previous statement about not having any other losses.
We must first allow other losses to exist before we can think otherwise.  For example, if we allow radiation then we can say that it becomes an antenna.

I do agree and understand what you and others are saying.

What really got me interested in to this problem was the 50% energy loss was independent of the resistor. So, if the 50% energy is lost no matter size resistor we put there, maybe there is something else behind this phenomenon.

The circuit analysis operate on voltages and currents, and we need to model this energy transfer problem in circuit analysis domain. Of course, using the circuit analysis, you will get absurdly high current etc. but the analysis will produce expected answer ie. it seems that 50% of energy is lost into resistor independently of the resistor value.

Ok, I went into physics 101 dealing with capacitors. The capacitance, charge and the voltage are related as follows:

Eq 1:

It is also said that work is needed to move charge from one capacitor plate to another, which will result higher electrical potential between the plates.

Eq 2:

The energy stored in the capacitor is the same as the work required to charge the capacitor:


Now, lets take two identical 100uF capacitors C1 and C2. The C1 and C2 has following initial terminal voltages:

V1 = 3V
V2 = 0V.

Thus, we can calculate the initial charge of those two capacitors Q=V*C:

Q1 = 300uC
Q2 = 0C.

We can also calculate the energies stored in those capacitors W=Q*V/2:

W1 = 450uJ
W2 = 0J.

Total charge in the system is Q = Q1 + Q2 = 300uC. Total system energy is W = W1 + W2 = 450uJ.

Now, let's start moving some charge from the C1 to C2 until the capacitors contain equal electrical potential ie. V1 = V2. In this case, the resulting voltage will be 1.5V:

V1 = 1.5V
V2 = 1.5V

The resulting charges will be equal as the both capacitors are 100uF:

Q1 = 150uC
Q2 = 150uC

Thus, the resulting energies will also be equal:

W1 = 112.5uJ
W2 = 112.5uJ

And the total energy in the system is W1 + W2 = 225uJ.

Yes, 50% of the system's energy has been lost while moving some charge from one capacitor to another. And look, no resistors here.

Of course, one might argue that in practice wires are required to move the charge from C1 to C2, and the wires will definitely contain resistance, thus the missing energy must have been lost in this resistance. This has also been confirmed with the circuit analysis and circuit simulator in this thread. However, we needed to introduce this [artificial] resistance in order to be able to apply the kirchhoff's equations for the circuit analysis, yet we only wanted to move some charge from one capacitor to another.

Hello again,

I think i understand what you are looking for here, but one thing we have to make clear first.  That is, theory is a measuring tool which which we can use to measuring real life systems.  Some things in theory can not be done in the real world, because they would violate basic physical principles.  The best we can do sometimes is create an experiment that gets close to what we are looking for.  In addition to that, we have to first make sure we are using the right theory.

For the example of two caps, we can not assume zero resistance because not only will that not be possible, there will also be some inductance in series.  Also, if the resistance was low enough, even a superconductor would not hold up because superconductors have limits just like regular conductors although they may be different.

If we had two capacitors of any physical size, there has to be some resistance, but if we let that resistance be small, then we are going to see some decent radiation as well.  If we let that resistance approach zero then we would see an increase in radiation.  The radiation would have to be an impulse, at least in theory.  But again, i dont think there is any way to get zero resistance because there is nothing that can conduct with zero resistance when the current is infinitely high.
Also, because we live in a physical space, there is some distance between the caps, so there would be some inductance, and that inductance would act as a delay in the rise of the current wavefront.  That would mean that we might see the effects we see with an inductor that was placed in the circuit on purpose, which could mean a more effective transfer of energy.

So rather than model it as a resistor and capacitor and ask the question about zero resistance, i think we have to model it as an inductor with the resistor and capacitor, because there will be some inductance there too.  If we let the distance approach zero, then the two capacitors would have to become one and the same capacitor, with twice the plate areas, where the charge still has to move from one plate area to the other.  Thus, the very act of moving them together would change the total energy in the system.  We'd have to get down to the theory of how they would be moved together to figure out how the energy changed.  They may move together under the force of the charges, or they may move apart, but i think they would actually rotate into a minimum energy position.  When the charge starts to move however, energy would radiate, so we'd loose energy as they moved closer to each other.

But you can start to see, and i think you already understood this, that when we ask questions that are more complicated we have to resort to a more physical model.  We can not use models that are based on simpler assumptions intended to quickly answer simpler questions to answer much more complex questions.  We have to choose a model that fits the question.  We try to use the simplest model that will be possible for that particular problem.  But we have to make sure we use a model that includes all the effects we want to look at. For a super simple example, we dont have to use a resistor with a small cap in parallel to answer a simple question about how a resistor voltage divider works, even though there is always some small capacitance present, but when we get into higher frequency circuits we can not leave out the small parallel capacitance or we will never know how the circuit really works.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 03:10:14 pm by MrAl »

Online IanBTopic starter

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Tanks filling with water can be analyzed like capacitors filling with charge.

The work to move water is given by volume moved times pressure difference. We can say:

    W = V * DP

(In SI units we have: {J} = {m³} * {N/m²} )

Suppose we want to fill our tank to a level h from a fill pipe at the base of the tank.

When the tank is empty there is no level and no pressure (head) resisting the flow of water. So the first litre of water can be put in the tank for free. But as the tank fills up the existing level of water imposes a back pressure on the fill pipe and we have to overcome this pressure to get more water in the tank. When the tank is nearly full the whole height of water is pushing back and opposing the last litre of water we want to push in there.

If we integrate this system, we find in an analogous way to capacitors that the energy stored in a tank of water is given by the formula:

    E = ½VP²

where V is the volume of water and P is the pressure at the bottom of the tank.

The pressure at the bottom of the tank is a function of the level and is given by:

    P = (rho) gh

where the Greek letter rho is customarily used to denote density except this forum software doesn't support Greek letters  :(
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 08:19:21 pm by IanB »

Offline GeorgeOfTheJungle

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There are errors in your analysis of the case of lifting water in a gravitational field.  You can stop the lifting force before the water reaches its final destination, let gravity decelerate it; the kinetic energy is converted to potential energy.  It doesn't matter how fast you move something from point A to point B in a gravitational field; as long as there are no frictional losses the change in potential energy only depends where point A and point B are.


"Gravity is an example of a conservative force, while friction is an example of a non-conservative force."

The I^2*R losses are frictional losses--not conservative.

So the faster you try to charge a capacitor through a resistance the greater the losses.  Not so for moving mass from one point to another in a gravitational field (without friction).

Well yes that's true, absolutely.

But if you push the water trough the pipe too much (high pressure) / for too long (as in the example) it will acquire more kinetic energy than needed (you just need 10j+friction losses to fill it) and the losses will then be even higher (and dissipated as heat through friction). That's what I meant to say but screwed it up a little bit :)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 07:43:30 pm by GeorgeOfTheJungle »
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Offline GeorgeOfTheJungle

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where the Greek letter rho is customarily used to denote density except this forum software doesn't support Greek letters  :(

Nor html entities: &#x3C1; <>
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Offline GeorgeOfTheJungle

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Tanks filling with water can be analyzed like capacitors filling with charge.

And it's the best way to visualize it...
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Offline CatalinaWOW

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Water in tanks is a good analogy for electrical circuits.  I use it a lot myself.  But as Mr. Al says, you have to make sure your model is appropriate to the problem.  Electrons in movement create fields that are modeled by Maxwell's equations.  Water in tanks does not create fields on the same scale (there are probably gravity waves generated but the forces, unlike electric and magnetic fields, are incredibly weak).  For this reason there is no meaningful mechanism in the water analogy for energy to leave the system.  But we know that in the electrical system, energy really does leave the local system.  We all listen to radio and watch TV.

Offline suicidaleggroll

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For this reason there is no meaningful mechanism in the water analogy for energy to leave the system.

Friction in the pipe connecting the tanks generates heat just like resistance in the wire connecting the two capacitors.

Offline CatalinaWOW

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I agree, friction is equivalent to electrical resistance.  The missing thing in the water system is an equivalent to electromagnetic field radiation.

Any horse can be ridden too hard.  Some fairly good analogies for magnetic circuits can be generated with either water and tank systems, or electrical circuits.  But these analogies break down with low permeability materials, and become very labored with non-linear magnetic materials. 

Again, this is not to say that these analogies are not useful, just that you need to be very aware of their limitations.

Offline BravoV

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I agree, friction is equivalent to electrical resistance.  The missing thing in the water system is an equivalent to electromagnetic field radiation.

How about the sound generated by the water friction with the pipe ?

Of course the sound/noise here doesn't mean its always can be heard by human's ears.  :P
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 03:18:56 am by BravoV »

Offline CatalinaWOW

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If you can come up with a consistent and simple model to transfer the energy to sound, go for it.  Remember the purpose of all of this is to improve understanding and provide an easy to use numerical model for predicting results.  These analogies are tools, and tools are only useful when they make the job easier.

Offline Dr. Frank

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You're searching for a mechanism, where the charging energy is lost?

As far as I remember my Electrodynamics lectures, decades ago, the answer is not obvious, but simple in the end.

The capacitor builds an electrostatic field between his plates.

Every time, you CHANGE this field, an electro-magnetic wave is emitted, as the capacitor acts as an antenna; therefore energy from the charging / discharging process, which always changes the electrostatic field, is 'lost' due to the electro magnetic wave. Therefore, to solve this problem, you have to apply Maxwells equations, also.

I forgot to mention that the leads of the capacitor, they form the inductance.. the charging current creates a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field also emits an electro-magnetic wave.


PS: Sorry to be a bore..
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 12:03:53 pm by Dr. Frank »

Offline tggzzz

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You're searching for a mechanism, where the charging energy is lost?

As far as I remember my Electrodynamics lectures, decades ago, the answer is not obvious, but simple in the end.

The capacitors builds an electrostatic field between his plates.

Every time, you CHANGE this field, an electro-magnetic wave is emitted, as the capacitor acts as an antenna; therefore energy from the charging / discharging process, which always changes the electrostatic field, is 'lost' due to the electro magnetic wave. Therefore, to solve this problem, you have to apply Maxwells equations, also.


Oh, don't be so boringly accurate.

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Offline MrAl

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I agree, friction is equivalent to electrical resistance.  The missing thing in the water system is an equivalent to electromagnetic field radiation.

Any horse can be ridden too hard.  Some fairly good analogies for magnetic circuits can be generated with either water and tank systems, or electrical circuits.  But these analogies break down with low permeability materials, and become very labored with non-linear magnetic materials. 

Again, this is not to say that these analogies are not useful, just that you need to be very aware of their limitations.


Very eloquently put.  I usually dont appreciate technicality laced with poetry, but i cant help but admire your short yet adequate comparison.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 01:26:16 pm by MrAl »

Offline Siwastaja

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You're searching for a mechanism, where the charging energy is lost?

As far as I remember my Electrodynamics lectures, decades ago, the answer is not obvious, but simple in the end.

The capacitor builds an electrostatic field between his plates.

Every time, you CHANGE this field, an electro-magnetic wave is emitted, as the capacitor acts as an antenna; therefore energy from the charging / discharging process, which always changes the electrostatic field, is 'lost' due to the electro magnetic wave. Therefore, to solve this problem, you have to apply Maxwells equations, also.

So what is the amount of energy lost via this phenomenon you are discussing, and is it a constant amount, or does it vary (with charging time, for example)? Because this is something you cannot see in practical electronics (at least I cannot) - you can get something like 99.9%  efficiency of the capacitor with proper current-mode DC/DC charging and discharging, and that 0.1% is clearly coming from capacitor's ESR, which has a simple physical explanation (no antennas). Capacitors can be used, for example, in storing and reusing braking energy in urban transit systems, and these give great efficiency; the AC motor VFDs give the current control ("DC/DC") charging and discharging automatically.

The 50% loss described by the OP is very simple and has nothing to do with your explanation, but maybe your point works out to be important with extremely high (theoretical) currents resulting in from approaching zero ohms? So, please elaborate.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 02:01:33 pm by Siwastaja »

Offline GeorgeOfTheJungle

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You're searching for a mechanism, where the charging energy is lost?

As far as I remember my Electrodynamics lectures, decades ago, the answer is not obvious, but simple in the end.

The capacitor builds an electrostatic field between his plates.

Every time, you CHANGE this field, an electro-magnetic wave is emitted, as the capacitor acts as an antenna; therefore energy from the charging / discharging process, which always changes the electrostatic field, is 'lost' due to the electro magnetic wave. Therefore, to solve this problem, you have to apply Maxwells equations, also.

So what is the amount of energy lost via this phenomenon you are discussing, and is it a constant amount, or does it vary (with charging time, for example)? Because this is something you cannot see in practical electronics (at least I cannot) - you can get something like 99.9%  efficiency of the capacitor with proper current-mode DC/DC charging and discharging, and that 0.1% is clearly coming from capacitor's ESR, which has a simple physical explanation (no antennas). Capacitors can be used, for example, in storing and reusing braking energy in urban transit systems, and these give great efficiency; the AC motor VFDs give the current control ("DC/DC") charging and discharging automatically.

The 50% loss described by the OP is very simple and has nothing to do with your explanation, but maybe your point works out to be important with extremely high (theoretical) currents resulting in from approaching zero ohms? So, please elaborate.

But the magnetic field created by a current doesn't necessarily generate losses unless there's another circuit magnetically coupled in which to induce a current. For example a transformer's primary with the secondary opened draws ~nil (just the losses due to alternating magnetization of the core) but with the secondary shorted the primary looks like a short too.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 02:41:02 pm by GeorgeOfTheJungle »
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