I found some more info and indeed they seem to able to output AC. But the info is not very clear. I need 230V output at 4-6A.
But I want to build one, not buy one. Or i want better build it as an addition instead of the lightbulb to my variac with isolationtransformer, switches, protection, meters ect that is build in a 19" cabinet and can handle upto 0-260VAC and 8A ( and do 0-1200VDC at 1A)
SeanB, that option is interessting. Had not thought of that.
I also will study the PFC, that is new for me, but looks usefull at first glance.
Also thought about some transformerlike construction in serie between variac and isolation transformer and vary its primairy impedance by loading it secundairy. But that is a wild brainfart, i not really thought through and I have the feeling I forget something important here ;-)