I'm very confused as the last brand new HV518 didn't blow; and will provide a summary of the steps that have occurred so far.
* Original issue: segments in the 4th and 5th (?) digits along with one segment in the 12th display were incorrect
* Un-soldered the original PLCC using hot air and cleaned the excess solder off the pads
* Installed a brand new HV518 using a hand soldering iron
* Powered unit, display worked (I didn't do a thorough test such as testing all the digits, just a basic test to see if it turned on), turned off power, turned on power, the display was blank, the DC/DC was getting extremely hot, and the +38V was (if I remember correctly) +13V
* Un-soldered the newly installed HV518 using hot air and cleaned the excess solder off the pads
* Installed a brand new HV518 using a hand soldering iron
* Powered unit, display worked (I didn't do a thorough test such as testing all the digits, just a basic test to see if it turned on), turned off power, turned on power, the display was blank, the DC/DC was getting extremely hot, and the +38V was (if I remember correctly) +13V
* Per the suggestion of users in this thread, performed several bench tests on the VFD (I will not list the tests as it will just be too long). All tests showed the VFD was good.
* Designed a daughter board to accommodate SN75518 PDIP , soldered it to the back of the front panel board, installed a PDIP SN75518 into the socket, powered unit, the unit worked great, re-powered several times, and it worked every time
* Removed the SN75518 from the PDIP socket, installed my last (brand new) HV518 into the PLCC socket, powered unit, and the display worked. As before, I expected the display to not work once I recycled power. I turned off power for about 30s, turned on, display worked (normally it wouldn't work). Recycled power several times either very quickly, sometimes left power off for a bit, etc.. and the display worked every time. I threw basically everything I could with recycling power and the display worked fine every time.
The only thing this daughter board has that isn't on the front panel board is an additional 0.1uF capacitor on the 5V line (the schematic I uploaded previously shows a 0.01uf). Besides this capacitor, the board is bare bones with a PDIP and PLCC socket.
I don't know why the PDIP isn't blowing now. My thoughts are that heat from the soldering iron when I was replacing it on the front panel board caused damage (but odd two chips would fail the same way) to the HV518 and why it kept blowing, two out of three brand new HV518s were faulty and I so happened to install the two bad ones, or the VFD had an issue that got resolved during bench testing. At the moment I don't have an answer as to what happened except it actually looks like an HV518 is a good replacement.
On a side note: the only odd issue I experienced after installing the front panel PCB back into the plastic face was the buttons and LEDs weren't correct. i.e. I'd push 50ohms on channel 1 and the display would show menu options for channel 1 instead. I put a little pressure on the ribbon cable and that didn't seem to solve anything, I recycled power, re-seated the connector on the main PCB, etc... and then things seemed to start working normal. A little concerning as I hope it's not a break in the ribbon cable due to all the moving around it's been subjected to these last several weeks. If the ribbon cable is bad, that's a whole ordeal as I'll need to un-solder the daughter board I just installed.
In any case, at the moment, the daughter board appears to fit fine, the display seems correct, holding my breath on the front panel buttons continuing to work correctly, I just ordered a replacement fan (the current one doesn't always start spinning at turn on), and will assemble the unit completely upon installing the new fan. After I'll calibrate the unit and, if the HV518 ever blows, replacing it with the PDIP will be fairly easy.
Update: I uploaded a photo of the daughter board (and PDIP) installed in the front panel. Note: I accidentally added this picture to the previous message by accident, but deleted it.