Some time and jobs ago, I worked on a model for a type of piezo-electric actuator. One issue was that the capacitance was a strong function of voltage, so we measured a Q-V curve. LTspice (and some others) allow you to make a capacitor where you can specify Q as a function of V. You can even use a table if you don't have a nice curve fit. In our case, it was a resonant actuator (piezo air mover), and the losses varied non-linearly with amplitude. We used a low frequency NA (HP3577) and an amplifier to gather data, and made a curve to try and capture this. It worked ok, and was good enough for electrical design.
I'm not sure what kind of actuator you are looking at. If you have a force versus voltage curve, you should be able to do something similar. In fact, you can use Spice to model lumped electro-mechanical systems quite well using B-sources. The challenge is coming up with the model and the parameters.
Hope this is somewhat useful,