Because RS232 is about the least of what USB was designed to do. And even then, RS232 wasn't a heavily used interface compared to the sort of things USB replaced when it first came out, it was stuff like scanners, printers and other stuff that was previously kludged onto printer ports or needed its own dedicated card, not to mention its own power supply.
Sorry for such a late reply. Of course, USB makes things that RS-232 could not, and USB standard defines the protocol.
I like the differential signalling (was already there in RS-485, and it was widely used in industry), the automatical sensing of a device (so it allows for automatical plug-and-play), the presence of a (standard rated) power supply and the overall flexibility.
What I was trying to say is that, since many of the USB devices we use don't require much more than RS-232 performances, if the standard was something that by default was the simplest replacement for RS-232 (like the numerous USBtoRS-232 adaptors make), perhaps we could make many things to work very easily. Just needed to implement the physical level, and it worked. Then, if one needed something more, could add handshaking and a proper driver to achieve it.
Instead, with this standard, even the simplest device has to manage a quite complex procedure prior to become useful. This means a large piece of code on a PIC18F, for example (provided that already has an USB peripheral) and a peculiar driver on the PC.
Then there is the problem of making own USB peripherals, since one should buy a licence to use a peripheral ID and a vendor ID.
Although FTDI chips are very versatile and useful, their widest use is just for traslating USB RS-232 emulation mode into UART. This perhaps could be avoided if USB was by default simpler.
A last little thing: USB is called a bus, but physically isn't. One host peripheral can manage many devices, but they must pass through a "smart" hub (it has not only physical connections). Couldn't it be done as a real bus?
However, I appreciate very much when a standard is accepted widely like USB has been, historically this has always led to technical acceleration (USB allowed to do so many tiny devices, first of all USB pens).
In the future I'll try to be more humble and to stay in my place... and to write less words