I do have an artificial horizon that would need 36V of rotating voltage at 0,4A and 500Hz. The problem is my power supply (battery) only delivers 12V.
I would like to design and build a power supply that is small and light enough to put it behind a cokpit panel (or in the motor compartment).
These are the steps (I think) I have to take:
1. Boosting the voltage. 36V AC means 50.9V. I would like to remove the negative voltage so I have to multiply the voltage by two -> 101.8V
2. Creating a phase of AC (0 - 101.8V). I would do this using a half H-Bridge per Phase which is controller by a PWM Signal from a microcontroller
3. Synchronize all phases with a phase shift of 120° -> done by the microcontroller.
4. (Maybe) add a filter to the output
There is even more to consider like dead time between the phases and so on (I think).
This is the circuit for the switching I planned to use
Here is a Link to the "Datasheet" of the horizon. Sorry, it is in german but it also doesnt give more information than I mentioned above
http://www.germanluftwaffe.com/archiv/Dokumente/ABC/w/Wendehorizont%20Fl.22415-1.pdfIm quite new to the AC world and these three phase motors. Isnt there an easier way to do this? I found the DRV8313 three phase motor driver chip. It says it is for BLDC motors but the internal block diagram is similar to my schematic I posted above. The main difference, correct me if Im wrong, between Asynchronous motors and BLDC motors (apart from the AC) is that the BLDC drivers need some "Feedback" from the 3rd phase that is not active. Or would it possible to use this driver? It is only rated to 60V but maybe it will run sufficently at that Voltage
Thank you!