Hi everyone, first post here.
Today I received an item I was very excited for, an HP 16500C with two 16556 100/400 MHz state/timing cards and one 16522A 200 Mbit/sec pattern generator card. I had to run out the door right after receiving it, but I did note a few things about the pattern generator before I left.
Firstly, I made a slight oversight with my purchase. Looks like, in order to get a standard 5V or 3.3V single-ended signal out of the pattern generator, I need to use these active data pods. Unlike the passive pods for the HP logic analyzers, which are cheap, these pods are expensive: $75-100 each. One 16522A can use up to 5 data pods in addition to the single requisite clock pod, so that's quite a bit of money for me, a poor student.
Now, the pods have two sides. One connects to the pattern generator through a long cable, and the other side connects to your system under test. On the SUT side, the 10466A 3-state 3.3V data pod has an /OE input, TristateData[7:0] output, and Data[7] outputted always, independent of /OE. HP says they use a 74LVT244 to drive the output, so that half of the pod is easy.
The hard part is translating the signals coming from the pattern generator card into something which the 74LVT244 will understand.
HP describes the signals as follows: "16522A data cables without a data pod provide an ECL-terminated (1 K? to -5.2 V) differential signal. These are usable when received by a differential receiver, preferably with a 100 ohm termination across the lines. These signals should not be used single ended due to the slow fall time and shifted voltage threshold (they are not ECL compatible).
I quickly put my scope on the lines and found the common-mode voltage to be around -2V, with a relatively small voltage swing, less than 500 mV. I will verify these values since I did this really quickly, but I'm pretty sure that's about right.
Okay, so I need to put a comparator on these signals to get a single-ended output, but there is a problem. I need to feed the comparator's Vee the provided -5.2V, or at least something below -2V, otherwise the inputs will be out of range. But then the comparator will will be outputting a negative voltage when the V- > V+, and this is not what I want. I want 0V in that case, since the 74LVT244 can't handle a negative voltage.
What do I do about this? I see a few options, no idea which are appropriate and which are not (forgive me, I'm a programmer, not an EE):
- Try and find a comparator that supports voltages well below Vee, then connect Vee to GND and Vcc to 5V. Do these exist?
- Use op-amps to shift the signal upward. Sounds slow/expensive. This is supposed to do 200 Mbit/sec.
- Use some kind of zener diode scheme to clamp negative voltages to GND. Is this a good idea? Seems like it would draw too much current when clamping.
Am I on the right track with any of these?