I have a big Bluetti powerbank, which I want to set up for solar EV charging - the idea is it continuously charges from whatever solar is available, and when the SoC exceeds a particular level, it turns on its AC output to dump the battery into the car via a normal granny-charger, and turns off below a specified level ( it will probably do the latter by itself anyway).
There is an Android App that allows access to all the info I need - SoC readback and AC on/off control.
I know very little about Bluetooth - can anyone recommend any nice man-in-the-middle type tools for reversing a Bluetooth connection like this ?
The Bluetti does Bluetooth via a small sub-board with an ESP32, so sniffing the serial link to this would probably be a good first step - I suppose it could even be that the ESP32 provides a transparent COM port link, which should make things pretty easy.
Phase 2 would be to make a simple widget, maybe ESP32 based, to talk to the Bluetti and do this switching as a standalone unit, possibly as a product, hence wanting to do this without modifying the powerbank.