How do you think the Internet got to where it is now? Companies invested in communications facilities (e.g. fiber, routers, exchanges with other ISPs, etc). And now they expect to make money operating them. There is no real reason why more companies cannot enter the mix and compete for business as carriers. But it will take big investments, and the shareholders will want to get paid. And the cost of entry is way higher now than it was in the early 1990s, when the first commercial ISPs were operating on leased 56K and T1 lines (remember, this was more-or-less pre-WWW so it was mostly FTP, SMTP, and NNTP).
If you are serious, then you need to write an excellent business plan explaining how you will justify the investment. Then find some investors and get to work. This will not be a hobby but will probably take over your life for some years if you do it well.
Start by finding out what went wrong with