Well...the first 3 boards, not too bad at all, at least with ~100mA loads on each rail. I've got a big ol' box of power resistors...somewhere... All I could scrounge up was a pair of 82 ohm 1% 10W and 20ohm 1W resistors. Go figure.
All 3 boards ended up with more or less equal results, down to at least 2 digits anyways. I average the 3 results into one.
The disparity between the voltage and current readings at the DP832 vs. a BK2709B/uCurrent is a bit concerning though. I figure the current disparity might be due to the uCurrent's bandwidth. Got no idea what the deal is with the differing voltage readings though.
V(in) I(in) W @ PCB DP832 V(in) DP832 I(in) DP832 W V+ Out I+ Out + W Out V- Out I- Out - W Out Total W Total Eff. Diff DP832 vs PCB W Diff DP832 vs PCB V Diff DP832 vs PCB I
4.994 0.538 2.687 5.030 0.610 3.068 10.400 0.117 1.217 10.050 0.083 0.834 2.051 0.763 0.382 0.036 0.072
3.995 0.621 2.481 4.040 0.790 3.192 10.290 0.117 1.204 10.050 0.084 0.844 2.048 0.826 0.711 0.045 0.169
3.003 0.841 2.526 3.060 1.080 3.305 10.060 0.115 1.157 10.040 0.085 0.853 2.010 0.796 0.779 0.057 0.239
2.602 0.902 2.347 2.660 1.100 2.926 9.980 0.114 1.138 8.620 0.072 0.621 1.758 0.749 0.579 0.058 0.198
The efficiency numbers semi-sorta-kinda match up with the datasheet, in that my circuit always calculates out to about 5% lower than the datasheet value. One issue I know is a problem is that I've got the adjustable feedback potentiometers hanging off the board with an inch or so of wire. I had bought a handful of 3 pin PCB mount trimmer pots...at 100 ohms instead of the 100K that I wanted! DOH!!! So there's some high frequency noise right there I'm sure is killing off a bit of efficiency. Tried it out briefly with a pair of 20 ohm resistors on each output, pulling 500mA thru each rail, drawing about 2.8amps off the DP832. Worked just fine, resistors got scorching hot, gave it up until I get some beefier resistors. Little buggers were up to 160F by the time I got the FLIR on them.
So, the main issue...the disparity between the DP832 output readings and the BK2709B/uCurrent readings at the PCB. I didn't see any measurable V drop in the leads feeding power to the PCB, yet the DP832 was always reading at least 36mV higher than the V at the PCB. Same with the current. I've got the DP832, not the DP832A so I don't get down to mA readings. The DP832 output current read at least 70mA, and as much as 240mA higher than the current measured with the uCurrent inline with the power leads.
Looks like it's about time to pick up a couple of known, accurate, calibrated voltage & resistance standards.
All in all, 74% for 3v in and +/- 10v out, not too shabby for a homebuilt.
EDIT: Forgot to add some notes about noise on the output rails...
The positive rail has about 400mV of noise on it at !10V @ ~100mA output, whether it's in 'Power Save' mode or not. The negative rail, loaded the same, shows about 150mV of noise.
If the trimmer pots don't fix some of that noise (eg. removing the 1 turn potentiometers hanging on by wires), I've got 4 4.7uF 1206 SMT caps on each output rail. For grins, on each rail, I'm going to take 2 of those 4.7uF's, stack them on top of the other 2, add a .1uF and a .01uF, and see what happens. And if that doesn't do me any good, maybe the trimmer pots themselves might be inducing some parasitics into the feedback loop. Maybe try replacing the trimpot with fixed resistors...lock it down and see what happens.
.......A lot of "see what happens" going on here.......