Finally managed this shared GDT H-bridge driver to solder ZVS driver split primary transformer (GDT) connectors
Ready to connect to my custom made ZVS driver powered from 12VDC car starter battery
Due to slightly different magnetic flux coupling of those four GDT windings on ferrite core, it could be difficult simulate this in circuit simulator, so it will be easier test this thing and try drive those 230VAC H-bridge using ZVS driver.
However,maybe I will need exchange gates polarity to ensure higher turn off currents (faster turn off) than turm on, due to mentioned probably slightly different magnetic coupling between right top left bottom and left top right bottom mosfets, while this GDT was designed for ZVS driver.
This concept now is real circuit ready for testing-I didn't used any scope so far, so it could be fun if it worked from a first try just based on theoretical work and calculations
I really want challenge u
Beam in wireless energy transfers and we'll see what we get .... without any IC so far -just a few mosfets and discrete components