#define DIO7 8 /* GPIB 15 : PORTD bit 0 D0 = RS232 - RX */
#define DIO8 9 /* GPIB 16 : PORTD bit 1 D1 = RS232 - TX */
My apologies but the above from my earlier post contains an error. Should be:
#define DIO7 8 /* GPIB 15 : PORTB bit 0
#define DIO8 9 /* GPIB 16 : PORTB bit 1
The pin numbers (8+9) are correct, but they exist on PORTB rather than PORTD. You are quite correct that PORTD bit 0 and 1 which correspond to pins D0 + D1 are serial Tx/Rx and it was not my intention to use those pins. The serial port is required for programming (firmware upload) as well as configuration (setting the GPIB address etc). It is possible to do the former via an AVR programmer, but not the latter so the serial port does need to remain available. I was also thinking to adding some storage management functions via a ++ commands. I had envisaged something like:
++storage fmt
Format the SD card
++storage info
Display the card type, capacity, format
++storage list
List the files on the card
++storage tape new "My tape 01"
Creates a tape called "My tape 01"
++storage tape load "My tape 01"
Loads a "tape" named "My tape 01" making it available for reading/writing. All subsequent read/write operations are performed on this "tape".
++storage tape uload "My tape 01"
Unloads a "tape" named "My tape 01" taking it offline
++storage tape list
Lists the available "tapes" on the storage medium.
I am not sure whether and how much of this will be necessary or what the final form will take, but just imagining for now what might be required.
/* for SD card we have these pins? */
/* SPI - MISO : PORTD bit 12 ?? */
/* SPI - CLK : PORTD bit 13 ?? */
/* SPI - MOSI : PORTD bit 11 ?? */
/* SD Card CS : PORTD bit 10 ?? */
Yes, exactly. I suppose that either pins 10-13 or the centre 6-pin connector + pin 10 could be used to hook up the SDcard device.