I did a few things like that at the same age, too, although I don't remember making an SMPS for that purpose as I always had mains transformers handy, and didn't need battery or mobile operation.
Here's an example experiment, merely a multivibrator, switch and rectifier. Probably circa 2001 or so:
I didn't have any schottky diodes handy at the time, not in that voltage anyway (indeed, 600V and higher parts -- SiC schottky -- were introduced since then!), so I actually used a tube for the rectification itself, too. 17CT3 was another I played with, convenient to use with the 15V bench supply I had at the time.
As rectifiers go, tubes are actually pretty impressive, if you can ignore the pesky heater power requirement that is.
Like schottky diodes, tubes have essentially no recovery losses. Unlike schottky, they don't have an exaggerated nonlinear capacitance response. They also have no junction voltage drop (an advantage of the heated cathode, which actually has a negative zero-offset current -- yes, it generates electrical power from a temperature difference: it's a heat engine, if an extremely poor one!), which makes them better signal diodes than any semiconductor, for sufficiently small signals (under 200mV say). Finally, they have massive internal resistance, due to the voltage drop of all that vacuum. And, again, a massive heater just sitting there cooking away.
Since then, I've made many SMPSs. Here's a dual output module for hybrid* supply duty:
*As in, a low voltage linear supply powering a switching supply, as opposed to an offline switcher.
I've got one of these in my ever-evolving hand built Theremin, in the shielded module on the right.
It's powered by a 15V 1A wall wart, hence the hybrid title.
There are some small differences from the above circuit, like joint regulation (a feedback resistor from 6.3V as well as 100V, to the TL431; regulating just 100V prevents it from starting up because the 6.3V rail browns out from the cold heater load).
Note the juxtaposition of a switching supply in a radio frequency project -- a Theremin is very sensitive to RF noise around it, acting like an electromagnetic microphone at its operating frequency. This is why the power supply is shielded, and it helps that it is common ground, not isolated -- when isolation is required (like an offline supply), filtering must be very carefully implemented, otherwise it just leaks out everywhere. Understanding how to do this, is one of the most important and rewarding lessons of switching supply design!