I could have connected it to the MPU reset directly BUT the watchdog WHICH IS CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO THE MPU RESET has a built in delay for power up stability AND an external reset input which will trigger the power up reset timer. And yes, on earlier products prior to incorporating watchdogs we always connected the reset push button directly to the MPU. The MPU reset consisted of a timing capacitor to ground, a timing pullup resistor to +5, a drain diode to remove the charge from the capacitor during a brief power fail thus insuring a good reset after a power glitch and the manual forced reset. These were 8085 based systems. Dedicated watchdog+power rail monitor combo chips came along long after the release of the 8080/8085/6800 stuff nearly all of which had a front or back panel reset push button tied directly to the MPU or possibly through a buffer I.C. to protect the MPU reset pin from static electricity coupled into the reset button. The problem with watchdogs is that usually during software development you have to jumper two pins on the PCB to disable the watchdog, otherwise the system keeps resetting anywhere from every ten seconds to every two minutes.