Hi Marmad,
I have used RUU software to export the scope screen on a remote PC.
It probably not the main usage of the software but let me share my opinion.
My scope DS2102, firmware, Win 7 64 bit.
I have a Linux embedded hardware which due to some physical requirement is not sitting on my desktop.
I am connecting to the device remotely using ssh and your RUU software appears suitable to export the scope screen on my desktop PC.
I have used TCP/IP interface. I had to enter the VISA instrument name manually. (with USB the scope got detected right away)
I know that the main purpose of RUU is not just to export the scope screen but I am sure lot of people will use it for this as well.
In this respect I have two basic comments:
1. Can we somehow store the TCP visa resources name in the RUU settings so no need to enter each time.
I think there is good reasoning for this as, the scope is getting its IP using DHCP so its VISA name is suppose to stay the same.
2. Is it possible we have the trace reference marks (those small '1' for ch 1 and '2' for ch 2 marks) on the RUU screen?
3 Of course having the main scope Y, T controls available in RUU would be huge advantage for me but I think I am getting to far
Thank you for the great work, it is really useful!