Okay, I've taken the plunge and have gone for the Lattice FPGA/CPLD option. Luckily, I found someone who wanted to get me started with the tools and the basics of it.
It's great!
Thanks for the suggestion, Mike.
The breakout boards have come in and seem to work perfectly. Here is a setup with six screens hooked up.
The Lattice MachXO board splits the CLK, MOSI, RESET and D/C signals using the following Verilog code:
assign out_clk[7:0] = {8{spi_clk}} ;
assign out_sdi[7:0] = {8{spi_mosi}} ;
assign out_dc[7:0] = {8{tft_dc}} ;
assign out_res[7:0] = {8{tft_reset}} ;
I'm still working on the CS logic that switches to a different screen once an SPI transfer is completed.