I feel pretty confident in proposing and accepting such a bet; how about you?
Unfortunately I will not be able to get your money due to limitations in my country.
Hah, fair enough. Under the circumstances, perhaps a donation would be in order? $1000 to the charity, relief fund, etc. of your choosing?
You don't need to know the exact frequency to detect EMI from a DC/DC converter because it doesn't have a very stable carrier and has phase noise that creates a broader spectral hump around the main peak. All you need to do is detect the increase in the noise floor.
If you understand the math, you know that this can be achieved through simple averaging. Yes, it may take longer time to detect quieter noise due to the Shannon-Hartley theorem: C = B*log2(1+S/N).
Sure, that works when the signal is coherent, just average the fuck out of the noise and out comes the signal. But something is missing between precisely these two paragraphs:
You can't average that which is already noisy.
Both drop at precisely the same rate.
If I have a signal that averages as C = B*log2(1+S/N), added to a linear channel with noise that averages as C = B*log2(1+S/N), what margin of likelihood, or channel capacity per bit error rate, can you get through there?
Put another way: what confidence interval can you put on your receiver picking up -98.2736dB of atmospheric noise, versus -98.2661dB of atmospheric noise plus some potential source? Can you identify the source -- if not unambiguously, then within some margin of likelihood?
At what point does the statistical variation of the background itself, so utterly overwhelm the source of interest, that it is indistinguishable under any and all possible analyses?
Yes, it’s possible, but it requires using a very precise and stable frequency standard, and the information transfer speed will be very low, which does not offer advantages over a classic high-power transmitter with an antenna.
This is how ELF transmitters work...
--It's not.
Two things:
1. You're completely missing the opposite side of the equation. (I cannot ascertain whether this is accidental or intentional, but neither one is a good look?)
If *either of* the transmitter carrier, or the receiver LO, is noisy, the received signal is noisy -- potentially, lost in the noise floor.
Critically: the result is
identical and indistinguishable whether we introduce phase noise, frequency modulation, or other spreading, into the transmitter's timing source,
or the receiver's timing source.Indeed we could have a referenced (perfectly coherent) system, where both transmitter and receiver are clocked from the same reference (pure or otherwise; it doesn't matter at this point), and over-the-air reception is good down to whatever averaging level works; that's a lock-in amplifier. But suppose we add a PLL, modulated with incoherent FM or PM, inline
to either transmitter or receiver: the whole thing crumbles apart, no matter how long the averaging is. (Actually, maybe it still works for PM, if the phase error is less than 180°; it just takes longer to average out. An undefined (i.e. evenly distributed) phase error however, isn't going to see anything. Likewise, an FM error, as a fixed frequency shift for example, completely eliminates what was otherwise a DC/baseband signal. Maybe you know to retune the receiver, or pick out the tone in the audio output; but how do you know that's really the one anymore, or just some interfering signal?)
It is necessary and sufficient that *both* transmitter and receiver be pure, to whatever coding scheme the system uses (doesn't have to be single-tone, can be chirped, can be spread, whatever), in order to achieve communication between them.
Or, say in optical terms: suppose we have a two-arm interferometer. If we add a random phase plate (say an electrically modulated one, white noise spectrum up to the frequency limit of the detector),
to either arm, or both, the interference pattern is GONE, bupkis, nada. Only when the signal and reference are coherent, do we detect a pattern -- receive a signal.
2. ELF transmitters work with very stable transmit frequencies, and very stable receiver tuning. Both combined, means relative coherency is maintained, and a stable signal can be received, even if the signal levels are very low indeed. (On top of which, the bitrate is quite low, but not by an extreme degree compared to the already extremely low carrier frequency.) So it's an example which seems to prove my point and defeat yours?
First, I don't have the equipment to detect signals with such a low level. Second, I'm sure you're sending it too quickly, so it will be hard to distinguish from environmental noise. However, it's clear that by doing it you increase the environment noise level. Isn't it?
Oh so you don't anyway... you're just blowing steam.
I mean, I guessed as much, two replies ago -- but you could've saved us all some effort (and yourself a lot of embarrassment*) by just saying so in the first place -- or not saying anything at all.
Look -- I don't know at what point you can still learn from this. I've chosen to lean against this post more strongly than I might otherwise, and so don't expect much acknowledgement in return. I still welcome a healthy and receptive conversation here. But proclaiming half or un-truths as fact, without knowing your own gaps of knowledge about it? Or worse still, if you are in fact aware of your own ignorance, or misrepresentation, and still choose to post it as fact? Either way, that's not something I will allow to pass unchallenged.
*Or myself for taking the bait.