As I just ordered a Manuyo M9812 EDL with a TTL RS232 interface, I decided to take the chance and design my own RS232/TTL to USB isolator.
I know this has been done a million times before, but firstly I kinda like doing stuff like this and secondly, I want to do it right.
FT232RL as USB converter and ADUM1201 as isolator are pretty much typical choices, so no surprise there.
While the M9812 has a 5V supply on pin 1, I added the option to put a 5V to 5V isolated DC/DC module to power the RS232 side . Which also opens the chance to power a small µC board via USB.
I'm, aware that there are ICs like ADUM 5201 or ADUM 6201 with an integrated DC/DC, but they are more expensive than an ADUM1201 plus a 3kV/200mA DC/DC which also seems a bit beefier.
There's also an option for a pull-up in case the device on the RS232 side has just an open collector for its Tx line. And I added a TVS diode array on both sides for additional transient/ESD protection.
Last but not least, the board is designed to fit in a Pactec CNM-0407 case (available at Mouser) for ~2€ which seems to be quite a convenient case for that sort of thing.
So, any blatant design issues?
Updated schematics and pictures: added decoupling capacitor to 3V3OUT, added power LED on TTL side to fulfill 10% minimum load for DC/DC. Some other minor things.