I'm working on the design of an DC Electronic Load. The basic topology is made of N channel MOSFETS in controlled loops. The common topology.
The load will have some protections for over current, voltage, temperature and power. Partially in hardware, partially done in software. Again all pretty common.
Due to the body diodes of the MOSFETS a large current will flow thru the device if the user (me) connects the DUT in reverse. So I'm thinking about adding a reverse polarity protection (not just detection, actually stopping current flow). A reverse polarity will not break the electronic load, but it might cause smoke or fire from the DUT (batteries....).
During the design I looked at several manuals, reviews and teardowns of Electronic Loads and did not find any protections like these.
So my question is: Do (commercial) Electronic loads have a reverse polarity protection? If so, how is it implemented?
I'm really interested to know how the common brands like Keysight, Silent, Rigol, Korad handle this.
Thanks in advance.