To help me understand better and to be more specific: let's say I'm going to use an MCU and the above 1280x800 60 Hz screen with a MIPI (4 data lanes) interface. How should I go about this? Specifically, what are my MHz and memory requirements? And is there anything that I should put between the MCU and display (like a MIPI chip to send data via the MIPI protocol.. maybe I'm still thinking like it's HDMI)? Is the display a good idea or should I use something different?
Well, the memory requirements are pretty simple to calculate. If we assume you're not looking for perfect color-reproduction, you can get by with 16bits of data per pixel (5b red,6b green,5b blue, aka, RGB565).
The number of pixels is the screen-resolution, i.e, 1280x800 = 1024000 pixels in total.
16 bits per pixels gives us 2048000 bytes of data.
I'm not aware of any MCUs with 2+ MB of RAM, so you'll need to connect some SRAM to it, just to store the framebuffer.
MIPI is kind of like HDMI, in the sense that it's a few differential high-speed serial links to transfer data over.
MIPI defines a command channel and data channel over the link as well, whilst HDMI pretty much just pushes pixels.
The reason I brought up MIPI is that there are displays that have controllers with built-in RAM to store the framebuffer, and drive the LCD from it. Now, this doesn't save you from having a copy in the MCUs RAM (unless you do some very old-school graphics tricks), but, it saves you from having to update the screen at a fixed rate (all pixels transfered, 60 times a second).
But, since this is a school project, and completed projects are worth credits, here's what I would do.
Download the datasheet+schematics for the STM32F469 Discovery board, and it has pretty much everything you need.
MIPI display (800x480, but you can use a larger one if you want)
Capacitive touch
and much, much more.
I'm assuming you have HW and SW guys involved in this. By basing your design on a reference, your SW guys can start coding as soon as they get hold of the manufacturers reference boards, while the HW guys design the actual product. Once you produce your first working prototype, the SW guys should have some code for it ready to go.
Note: I'm saying STM32 here, as it's the only MCU I know of that can drive a large display, with the associated memory requirements. There might very well be others out there.