I'm developing a system for ultrasound distance measurement in the range od 30-200cm and have a very peculiar problem with the sensor. The sensor is 400EP250 from ProWave (around $9 in quantity >100pcs)
http://www.prowave.com.tw/english/products/ut/ep/40ep250.htmI have a test fixture outside which is about 120cm high and is almost fully enclosed. Temperature inside goes up to 60C with air not being able to circulate (as in my application).
It happens sometimes that some of the sensors report wrong distances, like 30cm instead of 120cm. I always take 32 measurements in a row, sort them from lowest to highest, cutoff first and last 8 and do the average of the rest. So it's not a glitch.
One particular sensor was fine measuring around 120cm and then simply went crazy and started measuring 32cm all of the time. I brought it back to the lab and took some scope measurement of the analog signal.
This is how a good sensor looks like when measuring something far away, on the right you can see the return signal
And a bad sensor measuring the same:
It resonates all the time, like it's mechanically damaged. But few moments later for no reason it's OK again?!
Here are the photos of the sensor:
https://carousel.dropbox.com/photos/cc/5MbDeAr8buwDFWUWhen taking measuremtn I was holding the sensor by hand on the connecting wires.
I'm using RTV Silicone to attach the sensor to the enclosure as you can see on this photos:
https://carousel.dropbox.com/photos/cc/xCR5dx6AgymgWm9Is it possible that the acid in the silicone damages the sensor in combination with high temperature?
I used silicone because it's soft.
This happened on couple of sensors.
Looks like ProWave is a shitty company because you can barely get support from them. Any recommendations for a different brand for IP67 sensor @ 10€ pcs max which would provide support?