Picked up an arduino DUE which has the arm cortex M3.
Much to the dismay of T3sl4co1l I now have 10 bit variable duty PWM at 40kHz
int Feedback = A0; // feedback connected to pin 0
int val = 0; // variable to store the read value
void setup() {
// PWM Set-up on pin: DAC1
REG_PIOB_ABSR |= PIO_ABSR_P16; // Set PWM pin perhipheral type A or B, in this case B
REG_PIOB_PDR |= PIO_PDR_P16; // Set PWM pin to an output
REG_PWM_CLK = PWM_CLK_PREA(0) | PWM_CLK_DIVA(1); // Set the PWM clock rate to 84MHz (84MHz/1)
REG_PWM_CMR0 = PWM_CMR_CPRE_CLKA; // Enable single slope PWM and set the clock source as CLKA
REG_PWM_CPRD0 = 2100; // Set the PWM frequency 84MHz/40kHz = 2100 // Set the PWM duty cycle 50% (2100/2=1050)
REG_PWM_ENA = PWM_ENA_CHID0; // Enable the PWM channel
void loop()
val = analogRead(Feedback);
REG_PWM_CDTY0 = val * 2;
Just need to dig deeper into the atmel ADC so I can get past the arduino IDE limited 10bit and get the 11bit to match my output.
I figure 11 bit should be good enough?