We don't really have any target specs for right now, because we have already passed the ones we had set
. Unofficially, my new goal is to place faster than 1000 CPH while maintaining our current precision/accuracy.
Originally we set out to make something better than the machines we have seen so far in the low cost "DIY PnP" market. We believe we have passed all of these goals so far. These goals were things like place faster than ~500 CPH, place 0.5mm pitch parts, have feeders (for David), and auto head changing to name a few.
As for price we don't have a price yet, but we should have a price set in the weeks following the National Maker Faire on June 12-13. So, maybe last week of June or first week of July. Shortly after that we are planning to start our KickStarter campaign.
Will keep you updated on all things here as they happen. I have been kind of quiet lately as I prepare for these maker faires. We are leaving for one in Cleveland Ohio in just a couple hours actually, so I'm still packing for that! Then, next weekend we have the National Maker Faire. Should have some good photos/videos from the faires!