My Delta T is about 13 degrees or so.
To make it a bit more complex... In my application, I am trying to maintain a temperature of about 15c. The environment swings between 8 and there is not a huge difference. I want to be able to reverse the polarity and heat when it is cold...this controller supports that.
Looking at the chart, that shows 3A at about 7V for 20 watts or so. So at least to my newbie brain, it looks like I should be in the ballpark.
That seems optimistic. Remember to account for the thermal drop across the heatsinks. Assuming you use both TECs, if your worst case is T
inside=15C, T
outside=21C, and Q=20W/TEC, and your heatsinks have a thermal resistance of, say, 0.4C/W, then for each TEC you wind up with:
cold: 0.4C/W * -20W +15C = 7C
hot: 0.4C/W * 20W + 21C = 29C
delta: 29C - 7C = 22C
and that's before accounting for heat dissipated in the TEC. So take those numbers into the datasheet graphs and from the bottom graph, at T
delta=22C and Q=20W, you're at. . .we'll call it 3.2A. From the top graph, at 3.2A and T
delta=22C, you're at about 9V, so that's 9V*3.2A=28.8W that gets added to the hot side of the TEC. So if we add that in to the equation from above:
cold (same as above): 7C
hot: 0.4C/W * (20W + 28.8W) + 21C = 40.52C
delta: 40.52C-7C = 33.52C
Now take the new T
delta number and go back to the datasheet, and you'll find that you have actually have to put ~3.8A into the TEC at ~10.8V, so now you have 41W dissipated at the hot side by the TEC. Keep revising the T
hot equation and adjusting from the datasheet, and eventually you'll find that you either exceed the TEC's ratings, or the numbers will converge and you'll have found the steady-state operating point for your TEC at that heat load and those temperatures.
On the bright side, when you're heating the box, all of that extra heat dissipated by the TEC is moving in the right direction, so you'll need less power given the same heat load and temp differential to maintain your target temperature.