Author Topic: OPENSOURCE HW/SW Grid Solar Microinverter 450W - 97% Efficiency, 25yrs Lifespan  (Read 18442 times)

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Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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This is the project that I want to share with you. Project goal is 97% peak efficiency and over 25yrs lifespan.
I've been working on this project over two years total. Currently the project is at the software development design stage and I hope to get some support from you regarding that.
I know that Dave Jones like solar stuff so maybe this topic will get some attention.

Photo of V1 (but V2 looks almost identically)

V2 that is powering the lightbulbs


Microinverter is based on AN4070 250W Grid connected micro-inverter by Rosario Attanasio.

The design is based on two power stages, namely, an Resonant LLC DC-DC
converter and modified unipolar modulation DC-AC converter. Max power is 450W to align with the biggest PV modules available on the market today. Original AN4070 use interleaved boost with isolation transformer in DC-DC stage. To improve efficiency I've decided to design a resonant LLC converter which so far have 97.5% peak efficiency without any optimization. DC-AC stage is basically the same but high frequency transistors were replaced by SiC MOSFETS to increase switching frequency from original 17.4kHz to approx 50kHz. This stage have approx 98% peak efficiency, so currently total efficiency is about 95.5% (at 70% of load) with room for improvement. MCU has been changed from STM32F103 to the newest STM32G474 that is dedicated to the digital power supply control systems. Design also have a lot of other improvements (i.e voltage, current sensing, gate drive, protection) which optimize it in terms of cost and performance. To achieve a 25yrs lifespan there are no electrolytic caps here. Bulk caps are film polypropylene caps.

It contains all hardware and software required to connect the microinverter to the grid. Currently software is under development due to some control issues which I want to mostly focus on here. Microinverter AC sine voltage generationworks. It works on closed loop with PLL and Park Transformations when DAC serves as an grid signal simulator. (DAC attached to GRID side voltage amplifier). It fails however after synchronization to real GRID with massive overcurrent events and oscillations. Voltage in my grid is also non ideal, and looks like trapezoid not sine wave but that could be related to zero-cross over distortions which I'm facing now. Frankly speaking at zero cross events there are distortions of sine current that are related to modulation of MOSFETS. It happens in open and closed loop mode. Now I'm try to eliminate them.


Currently hardware is a revision V2 which means it’a second prototype with significant hardware improvement (noise, signal integrity, sensing philosophy, cost optimized) over version V1.

There are two main PCBs namely DCDC stage and DCAC stage, plus couple of small PCBs with digital isolators and planar transformers that connects DCDC and DCAC PCBs.

Schematics, PCBs and GERBER files are available via github. The project structure is as follows.

DCDC.PrjPcb - Project of DCDC PCB That contains main STM32G4 microcontroller. Processor here do all main tasks. Its control LLC resonant converter with MPPT stage and DCAC stage with PLL and Park transformations. That board connects with DCAC stage via digital isolators and control planar transformer half-bridge converter to power the DCAC stage circuits. On this PCB there is also CAN bus transceiver and ESP8266 WiFi. Power is delivered by two step down DCDC. One from PV to 12V and one from 12V to 5V. There are also two 5V-3.3V LDO for digital and analog circuits.

Power_Stage.SchDoc - Contains Full Bridge LLC Mosfet stage with resonant current sensor (Resonant current sensing for future use). Here we have also connections for LLC Transformer, resonant Inductor and Capacitors. Currently the transformer and inductor are separate things. I spoke with a transformer expert here in Poland and he said that performance will be identical with integrated one but EMI will be better (yeah that horrible fringe fields form the gapped transformer). Transformer+Inductor cost under $10, but due to ETD39 size and I wanted a low profile (PCBs are designed for very nice aluminium IP67 GAINTA HQ017S enclosure) so the transformer is turned sideways so now its naturally connect both DCDC and DCAC PCBs and it fits to that enclosure. LLC stage boost 36-42V from PV (optimized for longi lr4-72hph-450m) to 200V and after that there is a diode-cap voltage doubler that makes 400V.

MCU.SchDoc - STM32G474Q with PV Voltage and PV Current sense circuits. There are also NTC, LEDs, and external VREF.

ISO_IO.SchDoc - Connectors to DCAC stage

ISO_Power.SchDoc -  is a half bridge driver for the Planar Transformer that gives power for DCAC axillary circuits.

HV_BUCK_V2.SchDoc - Is a buck connected with a PV Panel that delivers 12V. 75V max input voltage capable.

LV_Buck.SchDoc. Buck converter that is stepping-down 12V to 5V plus two 3.3V LDO, one for digital and one for analog part.

CAN.SchDoc - Isolated CANBus Transceiver with LDO supply for stepping down power supply from isolated side.

WIFI.SchDoc - ESP8266 that is connected to the STM32G474Q. Also contains a circuit with a backup supercap to be able to do some statistics at night (i.e temperature logging).

DCAC_V2b.PrjPcb - That PCB contains of course DCAC inverter bridge. Its converts 380-400VDC to the grid AC Voltage. That stage uses hybrid unipolar modulation. One of the half bridge that is connected to inductor operates at high frequency, and second leg operates at low frequency. Its reduces EMI and it optimize the cost since only one leg have to work at high frequency (SiC MOSFETS), second leg could use cheaper slow Si MOSFETs.

PCB Contains 2 microcontrollers that one STM32G431 is located at DC- ground potential and its used for HVDC Bus sensing, low side MOSFET TWO-LEVEL OFF protection, control high side MOSFET charge pumps (will be removed in next revision due to noise and replaced by second two output planar transfomer). control 21V step up converter and -3.5V for gate drivers.
Second STM32G491 is located at grid side after inductor to sense inductor current, grid voltage and HVDC Bus. I wanted to test if HVDCBus sensing here will be reliable. After testing its looks that it is so I the next PCB revision the HVDC sensing will be removed from low side MCU. So the low side MCU could be replaced to some cheaper STM only for protection and power control.

Control_Sense_BOTT.SchDoc - STM32G431 MCU with HVDC Bus and experimental High Side current measurements. Currently both signals are not used since Grid Side MCU measures HVDCBus very well and I don't have to manage two SPIs to transfer all measurements. MCU is connected to DCDC STM32G474 via digital isolators with SPI plus other signals (i.e MOSFET protection trigger from TWO-Level Protection circuit).  Also via digital-isolator mosfet gate signals are coming from DCDC stage. Two level protection uses a TIMER that after detecting an overcurrent in mosfets it cuts its gate voltage to approx 9V for SiC and 5V for Si MOSFETS for 1uS. MOSFETs here works in linear region to dissipate inductive energy (from PCB and MOSFET Leads) . That prevents high voltage overshoot that could destroy mosfets if they were to be turned off immediately. After 1uS MOSFETs gates are turned off to 0V.

IND_CURRENT_SENSE.SchDoc - Here we have all grid realted measurements. Most of them are converted to differential signals to get better precision. ADR3425 used for high long term accuracy. (Microinverter should work over 25yrs without maintanence so its not overdesign)

Inductor shunt current sense with uses one fixed 15x gain plus PGA inside STM32G491. Aim was to boost gain at lower currents to boost accuracy at low sun light conditions.
Grid Voltage sense uses simple circuit, not fancy things here.
Hall Current sensor in return path. Mainly purpose for differential current sensing tocreate a RCD like protection. Currently not implemented in software.

DRV_TOP_MOS.SchDoc - gate drivers with to level protection (there protection is controled via DCDC STM32G474). Plus overvoltage comparators.

DCAC_V2.SchDoc - Full Bridge MOSFETS, LCL filter. Inductors are made with high performance Sendust toroidal cores. They are both 1 mH with at 50kHz and 2A output current produces 20% of ripple. CMC is 10 mH. There are also two optocoupler circuits to detect open fuse at GRID and HVDC side.Grid protection is made of diff mode hybrid GDT+MOV and for common mode is two MOV+ discrete GDT.  According to solar inverter reliability studies grid protection is one of the most important things for long live inverter reliability. Here we have also relay plus some fancy two  current level driver for fun purposes.

There is also planar pcb trasformer design files but I will describe it later. Now I will only mention that PCB windings are designed with capacitance canceling method so transformer have virtually zero common mode noise (its standard Planar transformers biggest drawback). Design is also cost optimized, one complete transformer contains three 4-layer small PCB, so at JLCPCB cost is under 6$ for 2 sets.

There are also small PCB for digital isolators and relay connection (relay is driver from DCDC MCU).


Created in Altium Designer 21-22. Current version is newer than PCB that I have so its not verified. I'm constantly updating it. For Two main boards, DCDC and DCAC i've added PDFs with schematic and PCB.

SOFTWARE GITHUB -Microinverter V2.0 DCDC Main software for main MCU - Microinverter V2.0 DCAC software for auxiliary microcontroller at HVDC side. - Microinverter V2.0 GRID software for GRID side Volt,Current,HVDC measurement MCU


DCAC and GRID software is very simple (now). It gets trigger from HRTIM (synchronized with PWM period of inverter MOSFETS) to their ADC, make measurements and send via SPI data to the DCDC MCU. DCAC MCU also take care of Two level protection and power sequencing for gate drivers.

DCDC MCU get via SPI4-DMA Channel 2 interrupt request and starts whole loop. That ISR Drives whole converter loop. You can find it in DataSensing.C

#define DS_AcquisitionEvent DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler

now the whole program start in 400WControl.c , after initialization void InitControl(ControlMode_t mode) and offset calibration u8 CalibrationControl() it gets to the open loop void ExecControlOpenLoop() or closed loop mode void ExecControl().

In ExecControl() there is a measurement data collection, processing and PWM execuiton.

Grid_Volt_q_d= DQ_PLL_Grid(Grid_Voltage); - make quadrature transformation of voltage

Output_qVd_Grid=(s16)(PLL_PID_Regulator(&DQ_PLL_PID,Grid_Volt_q_d)); PI Regulator for Vqd voltage

Calc_Theta_Grid(Output_qVd_Grid); - calculate frequency and phase angle for grid synchronization

Inverter_q_d=DQ_Filtering(DQ_Current_Inverter(qIalpha_Inverter,qIbeta_Inverter)); Current filtering

Actual_QD_Power =  DQ_Power_Estimation(Inverter_q_d); - Power estimation

switch (State_Control) is state machine that control all process

void CalcAndSetACComponents(SystStatus_t state) is a final function it sets a reference for direct and quadrature current (warning! direct and quadrature current are swapped in that software so no to be confused if you are familiar with control theory), make cross decoupling, reverse Park Transformation and send PWM signal.

Original firmware manual is also available there

Please feel free to comment.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2022, 11:03:34 pm by KoRba88 »
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Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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Waveforms form Lf inverter inductor current

Current with zero-cross glitches and oscillations

Zoom with PWM form high side HF Mosfet. Sine goes up

Zoom with PWM form high side HF Mosfet. Sine goes down

From time to time sine loos better. Only glitches with no ostillations

Adding 1% of period to offset to the PWM signals i.e in void ExecControlOpenLoop()

qValpha_shifted_pos = ((u16)(SineWave+(TIMF_PERIOD)-330));

qValpha_shifted_pos = (u16)(330+(s16)(SineWave));

helps with oscillations to some degree, but cant reduce that huge glitch at zero cross.

I've simulated it in simulink but there is no oscillations. I was able to recreate similar oscillations only if I've delayed the zero cross LF MOSFETs signal relative to the HF zero cross edge. But my PWM signals are perfectly aligned.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2022, 06:09:56 pm by KoRba88 »

Offline fourtytwo42

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IMOP the most likely reason for your zero-cross current spikes is poor phase compensation.
You have a voltage sense transformer, RC filter network and unknown software delays PLUS the delay inherent in the output LCL filter. It is quite possible to switch the H-bridge on to the new assumed polarity before the C portion of the LCL has in fact changed resulting in trying to force the capacitor prematurely to the opposite polarity.

This should be reasonably easy to prove with a suitable current probe by monitoring the LCL capacitor current.

I found it quite necessary to have a little deadtime around zero cross (H-bridge completely disabled) to allow things to settle, this had almost no detectable effect on THD. Of course this is with reference to my own design similar but not the same as yours.
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Offline Miyuki

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Just an idea.
Why not run the output as hysteresis control without a fixed frequency.
It avoids all the possible stability issues. 

Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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fourtytwo42 I don't have a voltage sense transformer (it s in old STm design). My all measurements is done synchronously by aux microcontroller (at GRID side) 2 ADCs. One ADC for Voltage, second for Current. Control loop works every other PWM cycle, so PWM/2 now loops takes 40 micro seconds and all calculations are done after 26 micro seconds.

Strange is that in ST app note they don't have any spikes. Strange is also that in closed loop controller takes a current for PWM generation but form scope looks like zero is switched not at zero current moment (but in zero voltage moment). Any settings in PI controller cant change that (tried to change Q Power reference and Quadrature current reference). Also tried to tune PI but it looks like its only changes stability in general but changes nothing near zero-cross event.

Regarding a dead time I have the same deadtime (500ns) between High and Low side High Frequency SiC Mosfets and Low Frequency Si Mosfets. And the HF PWM edge is alligned with LF grid frequency edge like in photo below. So when the polarization of sine is changing there is standard dead time here. Do you suggest that should I put more dead time in this moment?

« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 12:24:10 pm by KoRba88 »

Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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Just an idea.
Why not run the output as hysteresis control without a fixed frequency.
It avoids all the possible stability issues.

I don't have an idea how it have to work. Do you have any paper on that? For grid connected inverters I saw 2 types of controllers. One which use Park (Direct-Quadrature) Transformations and regular PI controller, and second which use resonant PIR controller. (TI use it in  But both they have fixed frequency PWM.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2022, 06:59:48 pm by KoRba88 »

Offline Miyuki

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Just an idea.
Why not run the output as hysteresis control without a fixed frequency.
It avoids all the possible stability issues.

I don't have an idea how it have to work. Do you have any paper on that? For grid connected inverters I saw 2 types of controllers. One which use Park (Direct-Quadrature) Transformations and regular PI controller, and second which use resonant PIR controller. (TI use it in  But both they have fixed frequency PWM.
This is not an AC inverter but D class audio amplifier, but it basically does the same thing.
Just use your desired waveform at the input and use output current instead of voltage
Not sure if this is the best paper
It might be just a software change to try.
It can have some drawbacks but shall reproduce the input without distortion issues

Offline fourtytwo42

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OK I only have there schematic to go on as you have not published yours, I would be wary of all these extra mcu's, smells of more uncertainty, jitter and latency to me maybe  :-//
From memory I think my completely deadtime is around 40uS either side of zero cross (80uS in total) and an enforced soft start of the modulator after ZX irrespective of the theoretical sine requirement just to keep the initial current under control.

Looking at your scope shot the modulation doesn't seem to be symmetrical around zero cross but more interestingly the duty cycle still seems to be ~2.5% immediately preceding it, again as if you are not phase locked properly and think your somewhere else in the sine before some other bit of code interrupts you unexpectedly to say the gridpolarity just changed  :-\

In the early days many years ago I had a lot of this kind of stuff and it just took time and careful detective work to resolve it together with a few complete overhauls of the code  :palm:

I take it you also have a frequency locked loop and you don't have a permanent phase error as a result of being on the wrong frequency  :popcorn:

Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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OK I only have there schematic to go on as you have not published yours, I would be wary of all these extra mcu's, smells of more uncertainty, jitter and latency to me maybe  :-//
From memory I think my completely deadtime is around 40uS either side of zero cross (80uS in total) and an enforced soft start of the modulator after ZX irrespective of the theoretical sine requirement just to keep the initial current under control.

Schematics will be available when I will be able to force github to take the data (currently I'm getting some network disconnection error after uploading more files). What was your PWM Frequency? Don't get me wrong but I'm not buy the latency, uncertainty stuff since many of designs (i.e TI) use delta sigma modulators which they are slow and have bigger latency than my SAR ADC.

Looking at your scope shot the modulation doesn't seem to be symmetrical around zero cross but more interestingly the duty cycle still seems to be ~2.5% immediately preceding it, again as if you are not phase locked properly and think your somewhere else in the sine before some other bit of code interrupts you unexpectedly to say the gridpolarity just changed  :-\

Yeah its clearly that is capacitive behavior and the current (yellow) is leading voltage (blue) by approx 10 degrees, but checked that by GPIO and disabled all interrupts (only one left that drives whole loop).

Also I've recorded all data that aux GRID MCU sends to main MCU on SD Card and the current and voltage looks similar to the scope waveforms.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 12:22:53 pm by KoRba88 »

Offline free_electron

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how do you get 25 year lifespan ?
Professional Electron Wrangler.
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Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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how do you get 25 year lifespan ?

It's a goal. Since there is no electrolytic capacitors here and the ceramic caps have an margin, grid side is well protected so only failure could come from PCB solder joint cracks. Therefore with good PCB assembly it could have even a 50yrs lifespan.

Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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I've connected a waveform generator to current and voltage sensing circuit trying to force a phase lag and lead between voltage and current for PI regulator to look if there is any change.

Tried 15deg lag and lead in closed loop mode. Resistive load. No difference. Maybe with inductive/capacitive load there will be some difference?

Increasing a dead time to 4uS (20% of PWM period) at zero-cross also changes nothing.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2022, 10:39:47 pm by KoRba88 »

Offline fourtytwo42

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Tried 15deg lag and lead in closed loop mode. Resistive load. No difference. Maybe with inductive/capacitive load there will be some difference?
Errm is this actually a GRID TIED INVERTER or just an INVERTER ??
Some of your comments such as 15deg leg & lead would simply cause a true GTI to blow up trying to pump or short the grid!
Perhaps we could at least have a block diagram of your circuit and how you are trying to test it for clarity ?

Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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Tried 15deg lag and lead in closed loop mode. Resistive load. No difference. Maybe with inductive/capacitive load there will be some difference?
Errm is this actually a GRID TIED INVERTER or just an INVERTER ??
Some of your comments such as 15deg leg & lead would simply cause a true GTI to blow up trying to pump or short the grid!
Perhaps we could at least have a block diagram of your circuit and how you are trying to test it for clarity ?

Currently is not connected to the grid. Connection the grid causes blow of MOSFETS or in best case only I was able to inject only few sine cycles (with 2khz current oscillations)

BUT algorithm is working in closed loop. I've connected 50Hz sine generator to the voltage measurement opamp so inverter thinks its connected to the grid. Current is measured in  from Lf (but in that test with current lead and lag I've detached signal form Lf and connected it to the channel 2 of the same waveform generator to check if any phase difference makes some changes). See attachment.

Also actually connection of current sensor and filter in schematics from ST at page 29 and 32 are wrong (I don't know why). They suggest that current sensor is connected after Lg inductor (page 29) or after LC filter and before Lg (page 32). But as it can be seen, current sensor is really connected after Lf (page 23).

 I've tested step response of current sensing patch (from shunt resistor to aux ADC) and its look is 50 us and settle after 120 us after overshoot (ADC sampling and SPI transfer to the main MCU takes 10 us). As we saw before current is leading voltage by 800uS so looks current sensor shouldn't be a problem.

ST in thier microinverter have honywell CSLW6B5 sensor (3uS step response time) plus RC 1k+22nF = 80 us to 98% of final value.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 12:20:43 pm by KoRba88 »

Offline uer166

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Currently is not connected to the grid. Connection the grid causes blow of MOSFETS or in best case only I was able to inject only few sine cycles (with 2khz current oscillations)

BUT algorithm is working in closed loop.

If you have a real current mode controller, then it shouldn't blow up with the grid connected no matter what kind of waveform you're trying to inject into grid (lead or lag or whatever).

For real cycle by cycle current control you need a reasonably high bandwidth current sense, in the MHz range. If your main inductor current sense has a 120us delay, that is way, way too slow. That sense also wouldn't go only to an adc, but to some sort of comparator/DAC combo or two for hardware cycle-by-cycle limiting.

Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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Currently is not connected to the grid. Connection the grid causes blow of MOSFETS or in best case only I was able to inject only few sine cycles (with 2khz current oscillations)

BUT algorithm is working in closed loop.

If you have a real current mode controller, then it shouldn't blow up with the grid connected no matter what kind of waveform you're trying to inject into grid (lead or lag or whatever).

For real cycle by cycle current control you need a reasonably high bandwidth current sense, in the MHz range. If your main inductor current sense has a 120us delay, that is way, way too slow. That sense also wouldn't go only to an adc, but to some sort of comparator/DAC combo or two for hardware cycle-by-cycle limiting.

Agree with first sentence, but what blows the MOSFETs is the oscillations of unstable loop and/or that zero cross spikes.

Dont agree with that the MHz range current sensor is needed. No grid inverter  in the world have that fast sensor. Current in grid have a 50-60Hz and current loops works at 1-5kHz max (1/10 -1/20 of switching frequency). See TI reference designs with sigma Delta modulators, barely 80kHz bandwidth for current sensing with high OSR filter, plus second filter with low OSR for overcurrent. Fast over current sensing is another thing. I have that realized by direct connection of shunt to comparator to cut off MOSFETs (but while testing I have increased the limits to see more disturbances)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 08:02:46 pm by KoRba88 »

Offline uer166

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Agree with first sentence, but what blows the MOSFETs is the oscillations of unstable loop and/or that zero cross spikes.

Dont agree with that the MHz range current sensor is needed. No grid inverter  in the world have that fast sensor. Current in grid have a 50-60Hz and current loops works at 1-5kHz max (1/10 -1/20 of switching frequency). Fast over current sensing is another thing. I have that realized by direct connection of shunt to comparator to cut off MOSFETs (but while testing I have increased the limits to see more disturbances)

No matter how shitty and unstable the outer control loops are, it shouldn't cause a power stage blowout. You always need a cycle by cycle current limit which requires a current sense in the order of 5-10x of your Fsw to catch the edges. What you call "direct connection of shunt to comparator" is usually the shunt->amplifier->cycle-by-cycle limit system that I'm talking about. It can be part of the main control loop like a hysteretic or peak mode current controller, but it doesn't have to, can be a bolt-on for average current mode, or even voltage mode.

I think until you implement full control of power stage inductor current (that works regardless of what's happening on grid/load side), you will not achieve reliability and prevent random mysterious FET failures.
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Rather than try to sync a sine wave generator to the grid, what about use the grid voltage itself as the current reference for a current mode controller? Just scale it as needed to control the power, can be done either in digital or analog. I did just that in my senior design project using a digital potentiometer to adjust the loop gain.
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Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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Agree with first sentence, but what blows the MOSFETs is the oscillations of unstable loop and/or that zero cross spikes.

Dont agree with that the MHz range current sensor is needed. No grid inverter  in the world have that fast sensor. Current in grid have a 50-60Hz and current loops works at 1-5kHz max (1/10 -1/20 of switching frequency). Fast over current sensing is another thing. I have that realized by direct connection of shunt to comparator to cut off MOSFETs (but while testing I have increased the limits to see more disturbances)

No matter how shitty and unstable the outer control loops are, it shouldn't cause a power stage blowout. You always need a cycle by cycle current limit which requires a current sense in the order of 5-10x of your Fsw to catch the edges. What you call "direct connection of shunt to comparator" is usually the shunt->amplifier->cycle-by-cycle limit system that I'm talking about. It can be part of the main control loop like a hysteretic or peak mode current controller, but it doesn't have to, can be a bolt-on for average current mode, or even voltage mode.

I think until you implement full control of power stage inductor current (that works regardless of what's happening on grid/load side), you will not achieve reliability and prevent random mysterious FET failures.

Original ST design updates PWM only at period update so they are not using any cycle by cycle limit. Howeven In TI design there are comparators connected directly to PWM to force PWM Tripping (I guess its simply cut PWM signal immediately after comparator triggers). In my design after comparator trigger (it have a 300ns delay only) it shut down PWM completely, but PWM tripping shouldn't be a problem to implement in STM32G4. Here we have inner current control loop where after park transformations the PI controller control the direct and quadrature current, and reference to that quadrature current is reactive power and for direct current is bus voltage.

Now I'm trying to add offset in reactive power PI reference to force current to be in phase with voltage. Without success yet.

In meantime in open loop mode I was able to set zero cross moment at zero current but this caused even more oscillations at zero-cross.

However all this things don't explain this sharp short current spikes (not oscillations)  at zero-cross polarity changeover. In literature I cant find any reference to that phenomena. What I observed that when I've not synchronized (see attached photo) the Low frequency mosfet signal with HF PWM edge (they switched at zero cross with approx 1us offset), and with big 4 us dead time in LF mosfets, that spike disappeared (but oscillations were bigger). So looks like at HF PWM when Sine is changing polarity and duty change from min to max the LF Mosfet have to be off. However that is strange since in every paper that I read and saw that PWM edged were perfectly alligned, even simulink simulations proves that it should work.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 11:34:25 pm by KoRba88 »

Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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Rather than try to sync a sine wave generator to the grid, what about use the grid voltage itself as the current reference for a current mode controller? Just scale it as needed to control the power, can be done either in digital or analog. I did just that in my senior design project using a digital potentiometer to adjust the loop gain.

I'm not syncing anything with the grid. There is no grid at all here, I just connected waveform generator instead of grid (original ST design also have a DAC for grid simulation tests).

The reference for the current is the reactive power calculated by multiplying direct and quadrature voltages and currents (direct and quadrature current are swapped here). By reactive power control the phase angle between current and voltage should change.

And there are used to calculate signal that goes to reverse park transform to generate PWM

Code: [Select]
    Quadrature_Current_PID.Reference = (PID_Bus_Voltage(&BUS_Voltage_PID,Bus_Voltage));

    Direct_Current_PID.Reference = (PID_Reactive_Power(&Reactive_Power_PID, Actual_QD_Power.Q_Reactive));

    Output_qId_Inverter = (s16)(PID_DirectCurrent(&Direct_Current_PID, ((Inverter_q_d.qI_Direct))));

    Output_qIq_Inverter = ((s16)(PID_QuadratureCurrent(&Quadrature_Current_PID, ((Inverter_q_d.qI_Quadrature)))));



    Control_Volt_AlphaBeta= Rev_Park(Output_qIq_Inverter,Output_qId_Inverter);
« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 11:10:36 pm by KoRba88 »

Online moffy

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Congratulations on your impressive amount of work. While I am not familiar with your output topology except in a general sense, I am familiar with the need to keep the output inductor, Lg, unsaturated, because it limits your di/dt. I did design a large SCR based supply that had to be linked with another supply, and we used a large 5mH air cored inductor, weighed over 200kg, and when fault currents of up to 2kA flowed, it still maintained its inductance and saved the SCRs. Could you use an air cored inductor for Lg? It wouldn't need to be 200kg or close to that, but it would not saturate. :)

Offline uer166

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Original ST design updates PWM only at period update so they are not using any cycle by cycle limit.

I've checked it and in Figure 13 of that design it seems that the L6390 itself acts as a cycle-by-cycle shutdown system with an embedded opamp, comparator, and latch all there in the driver. The feedback is coming from the FET sources in the low-side of the HF and LF half-bridges. Pls double check in case I misunderstood, but if that's true then all the designs that you linked have >MHz instantaneous inductor current sense, just implemented in different ways.

The way I've done this on STM32G4 use the PWM clear signal (after routing DAC+COMP output to it) in the advanced timers, or if you're using HRTIM then use it as an event. For now I'm convinced that at least in development you need this kind of fast realtime current limit in pure hardware.

Online NiHaoMike

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I'm not syncing anything with the grid. There is no grid at all here, I just connected waveform generator instead of grid (original ST design also have a DAC for grid simulation tests).

The reference for the current is the reactive power calculated by multiplying direct and quadrature voltages and currents (direct and quadrature current are swapped here). By reactive power control the phase angle between current and voltage should change.

And there are used to calculate signal that goes to reverse park transform to generate PWM

Code: [Select]
    Quadrature_Current_PID.Reference = (PID_Bus_Voltage(&BUS_Voltage_PID,Bus_Voltage));

    Direct_Current_PID.Reference = (PID_Reactive_Power(&Reactive_Power_PID, Actual_QD_Power.Q_Reactive));

    Output_qId_Inverter = (s16)(PID_DirectCurrent(&Direct_Current_PID, ((Inverter_q_d.qI_Direct))));

    Output_qIq_Inverter = ((s16)(PID_QuadratureCurrent(&Quadrature_Current_PID, ((Inverter_q_d.qI_Quadrature)))));



    Control_Volt_AlphaBeta= Rev_Park(Output_qIq_Inverter,Output_qId_Inverter);
Seems overly complicated, in my senior design project I just divided down the mains voltage with a resistor divider, put that through a digital potentiometer to allow the microcontroller to adjust the gain, and then sent it to a common UC3843 which controls the PWM MOSFET. So basically a current output class D amplifier with the input connected to the output.

I'm now thinking that it probably would make more sense to take advantage of economies of scale and design the inverter to accept input from two panels (separate MPPT inputs) so that each inverter sits in the middle of two panels. Could possibly extend it even further to 3 or 4 panels but that would reduce compatibility with possible panel layouts.
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Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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Congratulations on your impressive amount of work. While I am not familiar with your output topology except in a general sense, I am familiar with the need to keep the output inductor, Lg, unsaturated, because it limits your di/dt. I did design a large SCR based supply that had to be linked with another supply, and we used a large 5mH air cored inductor, weighed over 200kg, and when fault currents of up to 2kA flowed, it still maintained its inductance and saved the SCRs. Could you use an air cored inductor for Lg? It wouldn't need to be 200kg or close to that, but it would not saturate. :)

Chokes are made of soft saturating sendust with about 3A capability. Currently I'm testing it with max 0.5A (even that glitch don't have 1A)

Offline KoRba88Topic starter

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Original ST design updates PWM only at period update so they are not using any cycle by cycle limit.

I've checked it and in Figure 13 of that design it seems that the L6390 itself acts as a cycle-by-cycle shutdown system with an embedded opamp, comparator, and latch all there in the driver. The feedback is coming from the FET sources in the low-side of the HF and LF half-bridges. Pls double check in case I misunderstood, but if that's true then all the designs that you linked have >MHz instantaneous inductor current sense, just implemented in different ways.

The way I've done this on STM32G4 use the PWM clear signal (after routing DAC+COMP output to it) in the advanced timers, or if you're using HRTIM then use it as an event. For now I'm convinced that at least in development you need this kind of fast realtime current limit in pure hardware.

They don't use this comparator. In AN4070 their said that current is limited in software and comparator function is not used (and I have their original software so I checked that).

However I have that circuit and I'm using it for two level MOSFETs protection (I've described in 1st post what is two level MOSFETs protection).

Unfortunately no one (ST and TI) mention that is mandatory to avoid glitches at zero cross. Because its not the reason. If lack of cycle-by-cycle would have been the reason there should be more glitches at the ends of sine, not just one at polarity change.

That protection is only to avoid shorting of MOSFETs when you short inverter output.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2022, 08:11:49 am by KoRba88 »
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