Use that vref to reference a dac and run it off an MCU or CPLD that's also measuring the output frequency vs a GPS PPS and you have an easy GPSDO.
I was wondering about something like this. Do you think a nav grade GPS would be sufficient with a long gate time? I think one of the other threads had something about this.
Simple answer -- no.
More complicated answer: On a nav grade receiver, time is an afterthought. They don't put much work into it. The result is that the error in the timing solution gets pretty high. As the constellation shifts around that error moves plus and minus at a 1 to 12 hour-ish rate. If it's a few microseconds of error (as it is on some parts), that's a big deal.
With LEA-6T's dirt cheap, why not use the "right part"?
I was (apparently erroneously) thinking the LEA-6T was a nav grade receiver. That was the one I was thinking of using, and yes they are cheap. I have not done much research into the topic yet, as I am sure is obvious.
I was going to order a LEA-6T and give it a shot. How much advantage is there to disciplining an OCXO with that GPS source vs. simply using the GPS source itself? Some of the models appear to use TCXOs. I get that OCXOs are more accurate, but the GPS model would be running off TCXO anyway.
I suppose you have to look at the GPS lock status and stop any disciplining of the OCXO when the GPS is not locked? But what feedback voltage would you apply to the OCXO vC at those times when the GPS was not locked? The last voltage before you lost the lock, or some predetermined middle ground setting, or what? I am guessing the last voltage before you lost the lock, or a (decaying?) moving average of recent values.
Sounds like fun.