I want to show yo guys a way of not loading your chopper opamp.
Look @ the schematic, it uses various techniques to kill noise and to be shure not to load the opamp.
The J310 HF Fet is cheap. and most of the time it can source 8 a 10 mA.
The opamp sees no load and you wil get a better output commonmode, dropout is about 0,2V.
There a to techniques in this schematic to kill noise, he first one is the "bootstrap" capacitors C1 and C2, its a low leakage current
lowpass filter of about 3,5Hz.
There is almost no leakage current through C1 because the voltage over C1 is very low(serveral mV).
The second filter is C3 and C4 and R8.
This is just an schematic i'am testing at the moment to see how much noise is filtered.
The LM10 is not good enough to be ussed as a good Reference circuit.
But... Use for the 5V section a LT1021, Max6126, LTC6655, and for the second stage a LTC2057, LTC1250 and you wil have a super reference :-)
Happy building!

Kind Regarts,