I recently built a simple latching switch for a DC load, using an N-channel MOSFET. The MOSFET is an On Semiconductor FQP19N20C. The circuit diagram is attached here.
As shown in the circuit diagram, there is a capacitor set, with capacitance C= 300 uF, that provides the VGS voltage to the MOSFET to put the MOSFET in State= On. To charge the capacitor set, the user pushes a momentary switch for t>= 1 s. Right after the user releases the switch, the value of VGS is 22 V.
As shown in the circuit diagram, in order to monitor VGS with an oscilloscope, I connect a scope probe to the output of an OPA (operational amplifier) buffer, which is shown in the diagram. Of course, if I didn't do this, the impedance of the scope probe would affect VGS.
1) First, I disconnected the DC load from the MOSFET switch; so even when the MOSFET is in State= On, IDS= 0 A. I used a digital scope to look at VGS, right after I push the momentary switch to charge the capacitor set in order to put the MOSFET in State= On. With the scope's time scale set to 2 ms/div, I see that VGS looks like it increases linearly. Of course, it's not actually linear, it's exponential; but at that time scale, it looks linear. And there are no "glitches" in the VGS waveform.
2) I then connected a resistive DC load to the MOSFET switch, so that the final value of IDS (after about 2 s), is 3 A; when the MOSFET is in State= On. I again used a digital scope to look at VGS right after I push the momentary switch to charge the capacitor set in order to put the MOSFET in State= On. I consistently see that, about 3 ms after the switch closes, and when VGS~ 5 V: VGS temporarily drops to VGS= 0 V for about 1.6 ms. VGS then goes to VGS~ 5 V, and continues to increase, to its final value of VGS~ 22 V.
Shown below are 2 screen captures from the scope. For each one, the channels are:
• Ch1 (Color= Wht). IDS. (The vertical scale is labeled 2.00 V/div, but the true units are 2.00 A/div.)
• Ch2 (Color= Grn). VGS.
• Ch3 (Color= Ylw). VDS.
• Ch4 (Color= Blu). 22 VDC bus for VGS.
Screen 1. The image below shows the screen capture for the case: DC Load= 0 A. We can see: 1) The green waveform, VGS, has no glitch in it. 2) The blue waveform, 22 VDC bus, has a constant value.
Screen 2. The image below shows the screen capture for the case: DC Load= 3 A. We can see: 1) The green waveform, VGS, has a glitch, because at VGS~ 5 V, the voltage changes so that VGS~ 0 V for about 1.6 ms. 2) At the same time as the glitch in the green waveform, the blue waveform, 22 VDC bus, drops from ~22 V to ~19 V.
The data sheet of the On Semiconductor FQP19N20C MOSFET is attached here. On page 3, we can see that the typical value of "Total Gate Charge", when IDS= 19 A, is just 40.5 nC (nanoCoulomb). If I use 2 of the values stated above (C= 300 uF for the capacitor set connected to VGS; and at VGS~ 5 V, VGS goes to 0 V temporarily); and the equation Q= CV, where Q is charge, C is capacitance, and V is voltage: I calculate that when the capacitor set has a voltage VGS= 5 V, its charge is (300u)(5)= 1.5 mC (milliCoulomb).
My question is: Why does the MOSFET switch need to get 1.5 mC of charge from the capacitor set when a load is connected to it; but if no load is connected to the MOSFET switch, the MOSFET doesn't need to get any charge from capacitor set (ie, there is no visible "glitch" in the VGS waveform)?
Please note that, as shown in the circuit diagram, there is another capacitor set, with C= 200 uF, connected to the 22 VDC bus that provides the voltage for VGS.