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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2024, 09:33:07 am »
Thanks for the tips janoc.  I've seen Inmoov and learned all about it.  I am against using metal geared servos for a humanoid.  Don't fit well and are too loud.  Are not designed to fit the form factor of a humanoid at all.  Also Inmoov's final product is basically a toy that doesn't look human at all and is not robust at all.  Has little to no purpose.  My design will be a fully human looking near human strength totally silent running state of the art.  No comparison.  Has nothing to do with reinventing the wheel.  Inmoov's goal is 1% the magnitude and ambition of my goal.  No comparison.

As far as selecting a program for my CAD work, considering I'm basically done with all CAD and used Maya the whole time, it's a little late for that comment and the comment is obviously false.  There is absolutely zero reason you would not use Maya for all manner of CAD and you are just repeating a common misnomer about it.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2024, 09:34:48 am by artbyrobot »
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2024, 10:06:00 pm »
Well, I have seen the InMoov's robots first hand and actually met Gael, so I think I will disagree with your assessment - esp. when, unlike you, he has the robots functioning and is exhibiting them for years. Even though they are an art project and not intended to be a Terminator replica.

The rest of what you posted - no comment ...

Good luck. You will certainly need it.

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #52 on: September 28, 2024, 10:11:30 pm »
Inmoov actually works unlike mine?  What is the point of that comment.  Of course finished robot's work better than ones that are still in R&D.  It's as if you are being deliberately foolish.

You admit its just an art project.  You will NEVER see Inmoov robots mowing lawns, running factories, doing sports, dancing realistically, fixing a car, etc.  My robot is supposed to do all of those things and Inmoov cannot nor ever will because it is designed to be able to do next to nothing.  So to suggest I switch my design to Inmoov then betrays you didn't read my project goal.  You advised something that directly goes AGAINST me achieving my goals and expect me to hop on gladly.  Foolish.

Maya can get you 90 deg angles and flat polygonal models as well as smooth curving.  So you pretending like it can only do "soft" models is foolish.  Enough.
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #53 on: September 28, 2024, 10:22:04 pm »
That is truly a WTF project. I will however try to comment constructively. My concern is reliability. You should really think about it sooner than later. If not properly designed, any complex system can quickly become a bottomless pit of time and effort to maintain. Something wears out, something breaks, something goes out of calibration/tolerances. Or if you need to modify, replace something, it might be difficult and cause maladjustment somewhere else and so on. Same with software systems, good fundamentals from beginning are very important, otherwise fixing one bug makes two new ones or even worse - whole system collapses like a house of cards. Hard to stress enough. For instance, your tendons system. When you later write software for movement and balancing there might be too much play and other uncertainties making it very hard to make stable control loops. Or if you make it stable, something might get slightly loose next day. So I don't know what, but you need to do something to make it reliable and maintainable.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2024, 10:26:16 pm by Manul »
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #54 on: September 28, 2024, 10:33:47 pm »
Good points Manul.  Pretty sure my software is good on that front as I have experience with vast software AI projects from the past and did not have issues with bugs like you were pointing out.  My coding style I guess was safe on that front. 

As far as the tendons, I'm not concerned about slack because the final joint angle measuring will be done at the joint and not rely on motor rotation measuring that may not be reflected at the final joint because of slack or w/e.  So that solves the issue you brought up on that front. 

But the overall issue of low maintenance systems I can only try my best because I lack experience in this area and won't know what things last and what don't last.  I think maintenance will be a bit of a nightmare but don't see any way to avoid this because I don't know what parts will be high maintenance and why due to lack of experience.  For all I know, each thing I implement will work with little to no maintenance on that thing OR could be a high maintenance item and I have no way to know this in advance. 

Another big side challenge is figuring out the best way to enable me to access all parts of robot for repairs as easily as possible. 

Assuming the robot requires heavy maintenance when done, as we all can safely assume considering it is very complex with lots of tiny moving parts, this is to be expected, especially for a zero experience manufacturer DIYing it.  That all said, my goal will be to have the robots do their own maintenance on themselves and if/when I have more than one robot, they can do maintenance on one another so that I myself do little to no maintenance on my robot fleet.  This goes along with my goal of building robots that finish building their own body once they have a single arm and head built.  And also my goal to have them then build more robots after they build themselves.  If they can build themselves, they can surely maintain themselves too.  So that issue is solved in that way and making them super low maintenance if they can maintain themselves automatically becomes less critical although still a nice stretch goal of course.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2024, 10:40:28 pm by artbyrobot »
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #55 on: October 03, 2024, 01:42:06 am »
I finished fixing the fishing line on the bottom-most pulley with 5 knots this time to make sure it doesn't untie.  I hung the 10lb dumbbell from the pulley system and to my horror, two fishing line points snapped almost immediately in two new spots.  These fishing lines were rated 20lb test and 130lb test.  How is a 10lb dumbbell snapping them when hung gently?  I don't get this AT ALL.  I am wondering if it is a quality control issue with the fishing line or false advertising or just a bad manufacturer or what.  Any thoughts?  This is VERY frustrating and baffling to me.  They did not untie this time they literally snapped in half.  This is truly baffling.

Update: some more clues:  turns out both snap points were within a millimeter from where the fishing line entered into the bone fabric sleeve where it was stitched over and over to tie it well into the sleeve.  Perhaps this area just sort of was weakened by the sleeve and tugging at that spot and abrasion somehow?  I am thinking I should tie a small metal ring into the bone fabric sleeve and then tie the fishing line onto that ring with a figure eight knot so that the fishing line doesn't chafe on the nylon fabric as much and has that little separation point tying off on the smooth metal.  Hopefully that will solve it.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2024, 01:50:50 am by artbyrobot »
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Offline SteveThackery

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #56 on: October 04, 2024, 07:55:26 am »
So this is my question. Why go to such extraordinary lengths to build a mimic of a human being when the world is already full of the real thing?

You can make your own easily enough: a brief moment of pleasure, a twenty year wait, and there it is:  ready to go.

Or, if you need one for a specific purpose you can do this thing whereby you place an advert, and then select the best one from the applicants. You pay them so much money per month and they do the job you need doing.  They can cook foods, clean your house, all sorts.

It seems pointless to build something that already exists by the million.

I think the sensible thing to do is to build one that is better than the real thing. Maybe one that will withstand high temperatures for rescuing people from fires. Or one with weaponry built in to act as a soldier. One that can explore the sea bed or the surface of the moon.

Despite the extraordinary difficulty of what you're trying to achieve, I believe you have set your sights too low.

Online artbyrobotTopic starter

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #57 on: October 04, 2024, 08:29:03 am »

You ask "Why go to such extraordinary lengths to build a mimic of a human being when the world is already full of the real thing?" --- what we will find as humanoid robotics advances is the more they advance the more human they will look until you cannot distinguish.  Then society will be filled with more robots than humans and they will all be hard to distinguish from real people.  So to future proof my project from the outset, I went for realism right away.  Anything less and to the degree it looks not human is how funny and amateurish it will be perceived in history of robotics later on.  Students will literally laugh at how bad it looks by comparison to the robots that look 100% human in their day.  And "bad" is defined as "not exactly human in appearance with realism".  So by that metric I want to ensure my robot passes this test as much as possible to give it longevity and not make it outdated looking for the future. 

Additionally, I can bypass rules and regulations of stores or w/e and social norms with my robot if it passes for human at least from a distance.  Have it shop without causing a stir and employees calling in a manager to report a robot shopping in their store for example.   If it passes for human, no phone call is made, no stir made, nobody alarmed, people go about their day, my shopping gets done.  That type of thing applies for ANY public use of the robot to avoid issues.  Like delivery robots get robbed all the time because people see it as a victimless crime more.  But if the robot passed for a human, nobody would even consider vandalism or robbing it because they would assume felony charges (harming a human) rather than misdemeanor (harming a robot).  So you protect your robot by it passing for human from harm.

You say "You can make your own easily enough: a brief moment of pleasure, a twenty year wait, and there it is:  ready to go." --- I disagree with this premise.  First note that robot literally means "slave".  You cannot expect your kids to be your slaves.  Sure they might help a BIT if you figure out a way to coax them into helping you or make working with you fun for them, but more often than not, getting any assistance from your kid is like pulling teeth for the most part.  They'd rather be off playing or w/e than helping dad out.  A robot on the other hand will help you 24/7.  No human would even come close to that for free or even paid.  The robot's 24/7 service is FREE.  Also depending on its strength and speed and precision, it can be faster, stronger, and more precise than a human at working while working 24/7 to boot.  So it would be the equivalent to say 5-6 human workers then ideally speaking or best case depending on the job.  And at $60k/yr for each of those 5-6 workers, that's $350k/yr of money saved per year for same amount of help from your robot.  And those workers would likely be only helping you on just one or two things and require training and with worker turnover you have to RETRAIN the replacement etc.  Not to mention screening, interviewing, etc.  And lawsuits risks, injury risks, etc.  All the red tape.  Unions.  The amount of reasons to avoid human helpers is limitless.  Drama, racism, bad attitudes, lying false witnesses, sinful conversations, you name it.  So finding actual great workers who cause no issues and are upright and kind is SUPER hard and ones that aren't lazy and work really hard even more hard to find.  And so on.  Then you have them calling off or lying for "sick leave" and wanting paid vacations or w/e often unreasonable demands and raise demands etc.  The headaches ABOUND.  The robot is bringing ZERO of these potential issues and is guaranteed to be perfect in every way as long as its made well of course.

The robot can do hundreds or thousands of jobs whereas your employee would just do the one or two basic things they were trained for.  So that's another HUGE advantage.

So yeah, I've hired employees over the years and always regretted it.  I'd prefer to never do it again.  I'd prefer the ULTIMATE employee that is also FREE labor FOR LIFE and never complains and behaves EXACTLY as you teach it to and is just perfect in every way.  Will never talk back, nap on job, sneak, lie, sexually harass, quit, demand raises, unionize, etc etc etc etc.  Just instead is ideal in all facets.

Also, the robot can build more robot slaves to serve your every whim and these also are free slaves for life.  You can have an army of free slaves minus cost of materials but the robots can work to make their own living and pay you every dime they make so the materials costs would be taken out of that so zero out of pocket then and instead over time you just make millions of dollars passively per year with your robot army doing it all and just obeying you always in all things.  You get to be a king of all your minions and sit back and have it all.

You say "It seems pointless to build something that already exists by the million." --- yeah, if only they were free and signed up willingly to be your slave and behaved 100% flawlessly always and zero drama or issues which is not the case.  There are MANY downsides as laid out above which makes robot slave 1 million percent better than human paid laborers

You say "I think the sensible thing to do is to build one that is better than the real thing." --- My robot will be better than the real thing in all the ways pointed out above (ideally, theoretically of course)

You say "Maybe one that will withstand high temperatures for rescuing people from fires." ---- this would only be useful to a fire department and I'm not a fire department.  I also have no intention of EVER selling one because each robot's value to me personally would outweigh any reasonable sale price.  I mean if someone offered me $500 million or more of course then I'd say fine take it.  But shy of that no way.  Because their purchase price would have to outweigh DECADES of free labor my robot would provide me and the entire lifetime earnings potential that robot would bring.  And assuming that robot can output say $250k/yr in earnings.... then that's millions of dollars over the long haul.  And if you factor in it building more robots and potentially building businesses and running those businesses, it could earn millions per year even - you never know. 

You say "Or one with weaponry built in to act as a soldier." --- I'm sure this would be immediately outlawed if my personal robot did this and then I'd lose my robot instantly.  So this would have to be done through a military contract only and only a licensed arms dealer could legally do this in a contract with DARPA.  I wouldn't even know where to begin such a path and at the end of the day where is my personally useful robot.  And all of this is assuming I even agreed to be a weapon maker which has its own ethical concerns.  I'd have to be VERY politically onboard with my country's military and believe the cause of all future conflicts my robot would take part in for said military would be righteous and I don't have that belief based on movies I've seen.  The military is always corrupt in movies I've seen.  From Rambo to Jason Bourne series to you name it.  TONS of corruption I've seen.

You say "One that can explore the sea bed or the surface of the moon." --- people already made both.  And neither are of any use to me personally. 

You say "Despite the extraordinary difficulty of what you're trying to achieve, I believe you have set your sights too low." --- I don't believe you have proven this really.  And I disagree.
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Offline SteveThackery

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #58 on: October 04, 2024, 08:30:43 am »
The other thing concerning me is the vast complexity of the software that will need development. It took Boston Dynamics years to make a biped that would walk over uneven ground and you need to replicate all that yourself without breaching any patents. Then on top of all that you require an exceptionally accomplished AI layer.

Looking at the quality of the parts you've made, you've got a way to go before you can rely on their quality, but I guess this is just par for the course in the early days.

By the way, saying the human skeleton and physical layout cannot be improved upon is ridiculous! Of course it can - it's the product of millions of years of scrappy evolution; evolution which selects only on ability to stay alive long enough to reproduce.

Obvious improvements might include continuously rotatable hands, extensible limbs, eyes all around the head, and so on.

I guess this is a project that could occupy a whole lifetime, but I don't believe it is remotely achievable by one person
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Offline SteveThackery

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #59 on: October 04, 2024, 08:36:54 am »
There was a degree of irony in what I suggested regarding using humans instead.

Personally I think this project will fail, big time. The reason being that you have MASSIVELY underestimated the complexity of what you are trying to achieve. I mean, really, I believe you have no conception at all of how immensely complicated the software will need to be.

Having said that, I do wish you success and look forward to periodic updates.
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #60 on: October 04, 2024, 08:40:29 am »
I guess this is a project that could occupy a whole lifetime, but I don't believe it is remotely achievable by one person

I've been ignoring this thread after reading the first couple of posts, but feel I have to respond to (perhaps) save some people valuable time.

I don't have the link, but I had the misfortune to watch a bit of a video, where, he's relying almost exclusively on ChatGPT to try to do the coding for this project. Fair enough some people use ChatGPT to get a general idea about how some things might be coded, but this was on another level.
It's an "art" project at best (and that's a stretch).

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #61 on: October 04, 2024, 09:11:46 am »

You say "The other thing concerning me is the vast complexity of the software that will need development." --- sure that's alot of work but fun IMO.  Worth it.  Also, Boston Dynamics coded most of it by hand.  I plan to code an AI that learns to code itself and thereby codes itself by hand.  So that means the robot itself codes the robot instead of a team taking years to do it.  Way easier that way and way less work that way.

You say "you need to replicate all that yourself without breaching any patents." --- I am strongly against patents used to patent troll and stop advancement of technology.  So even trying to see if I am breaching any patents will NEVER be done by me.  I will just code and ignore all patents fully.  And this is not ever going to be an issue unless I were to try to sell my code.  If the code is for personal use the patents it may breach would not be relevant.  Also, in the event it did breach some patent, and I did decide to sell, at that future point in time I'd merely have to pay the patent holders their cut IF it came to that.  And hopefully, they'd be reasonable.  But likely they would be predatory.  So ideally I'd stay under their radar.  They are likely just complete scumbags looking to score big.  People try to make the most obvious and generic patents to try to be able to just take money from real entrepreneurs who will step on their landmine type patent.  So walking a minefield is part of software dev and you just hope you don't walk on a landmine (get sued by some patent troll).  But like I said, all of that is likely never an issue unless my software was sold and sold on such a huge scale that it triggered a troll to come out of hiding salivating for his predatory slice of my pie.

You say "By the way, saying the human skeleton and physical layout cannot be improved upon is ridiculous! Of course it can - it's the product of millions of years of scrappy evolution;" ---- I don't believe in macro evolution.  I'm a creationist.  So your argument I disagree with on premise.  But even WITH that premise I would still disagree.  The human body regardless of origin story is a marvel of engineering and if you studied it then you would come to learn this yourself.  It cannot be topped.  In all ways it is superior to anything anybody could ever come up with and there is 0% chance to even make a single improvement on its design.  Impossible.  The closer you stick to its design the better the end robot.

You say "Obvious improvements might include continuously rotatable hands" --- would ruin the strength of the ulna and radius combo, add a failure point in electrical wiring issues, would make the outsourcing of storage of actuators for the fingers in the arm etc impossible which would force all actuators to fit in hand itself which would make hand overly weak etc etc.  You speak from ignorance here.

You say "extensible limbs" --- impractical, creates unnecessary complications.  see problems above with other idea you presented for a taste of why this is also a poor idea.

You say "eyes all around the head" --- totally unnecessary and unneeded.  For the occasional desire to see what is behind, it can look behind just like we do.  What is behind doesn't need constant surveillance and access to it would be unneeded.  You also don't consider that this would ruin it looking human and all the advantage looking exactly human bring.  Also it then couldn't have hair which would block back of head eyes etc.  Just bad idea.

You say "I guess this is a project that could occupy a whole lifetime, but I don't believe it is remotely achievable by one person" --- perhaps not.  Perhaps I'll have help.  I mean for one thing if my goal to just build a arm and head that then build the rest of its own body and then also code itself to do everything once it has a bear minimum level of code needed to be smart enough to code itself... if that is possible then it is way more doable by one person you see. 

You say "Personally I think this project will fail, big time." --- if more than 1 in 10k people did not have this view, the project would not be worth doing IMO.  In order for a project to be epic enough to make it exciting for me long term, it is necessary that 99.99999% of all people who hear of the project are certain it will fail.  Then in taking on such a far fetched "impossible" task, the carrot on the end of the stick is sufficiently huge to make the project thrilling to me.  Proving wrong that many people that confident in the project's failure is the carrot.  The proving wrong is not meant to be a spiteful thing, only a amusement really.

Consider the following:  you are with a couple friends walking through the woods as kids.  You ask them hey guys do you think I can jump over that creek?  If they say "impossble, nobody can do that, not even my dad who is a awesome athelete" then that is my cue to roll up my sleeves and go for it.  If they say "easy, anybody can jump that" then that is my cue to find another challenge.  If I'm not impressing them then it just isn't fun.  I like to do things impressive to others.  That makes it fun.  This isn't a pride thing.  The enjoyment is in the thrill you give THEM if you succeed.  The eyes wide astonishment and applause type thing.  That is fun for THEM and for you.  It need not be a selfish thing.  It is entertainment in a way.  I think I always enjoyed entertaining people.  I like to make people laugh for their benefit and my own.  I like to do stuff impressive to them for their benefit and my own.  I like to get reactions out of people by doing things extraordinary in terms of humor, difficulty, outlandishness, extremeness, etc.  I just like to be different and stand out for it.  This applies to many facets of life.  You could call this attention whoring but I don't think there needs to be a negative label necessarily.  There can be a form of attention whoring that is healthy, not toxic, and pure, righteous, and admirable in all facets.  I think I go for that.  There need not be low self esteem involved.  There need not be poor morals and attention at all costs involved.  There need not be greed involved.  And getting attention isn't the only thing that need be involved.  There are MANY carrots on this stick. 

Note: its not only the challenge level others can see.  I also like to PERSONALLY challenge myself.  And the challenge ideally should be something I myself think is on the edge of impossible.  If it is too easy, I will never know what my true potential could be.  So I prefer a lifelong project to be really the hardest thing imaginable for me to pull off.  It also has to play to my strengths and gifts.  This checks all those boxes.

Note: there is also the childlike sense of awe I have for impressive robots that comes to play.  My childlike sense of awe for robotics that are sufficiently impressive borders on eyes wide mouth open pure glee like the little kids seeing Gandalf the Gray light fireworks.  I have some of that for robots.  I don't think most adults have much of that for anything after a while so I like to press into it as it is a gift and blessing. 

You say "The reason being that you have MASSIVELY underestimated the complexity of what you are trying to achieve." --- That is pure assumption on your part.  I could have correctly estimated the complexity and yet have the blind confidence or gall to attempt to pull it off despite this complexity I rightly estimated not shying away from that part of the challenge but accepting it and saying "game on".  Some people like pursuing "the impossible".

You say "I mean, really, I believe you have no conception at all of how immensely complicated the software will need to be." --- I think I do have a conception of it, however, neither one of us can truly know.  Also, as I said, if the robot makes his own software, then that complexity is outsourced to the robot.  Can't rule that out.


You say "I've been ignoring this thread after reading the first couple of posts, but feel I have to respond to (perhaps) save some people valuable time." --- very odd response.  But to each his own. 

You say "I don't have the link, but I had the misfortune to watch a bit of a video, where, he's relying almost exclusively on ChatGPT to try to do the coding for this project. Fair enough some people use ChatGPT to get a general idea about how some things might be coded, but this was on another level." --- It seems like you condemn over-reliance on chat gpt for assistance in coding.  I disagree with this stance.  There is nothing wrong with using it to its fullest potential as assistance.  For so many things I don't use it for coding but for some stuff I think it saves time.  Not all aspects of the coding do I even use it for.  It seems that you assume I am a poor coder based on using chatgpt alot for some specific aspects of the code.  I don't agree.  I really don't see any issue at all.

You say "It's an "art" project at best (and that's a stretch)." --- I've heard that argument made before and disagree.  That type of stance will fade really soon though.  Once I pass certain benchmarks, I'll be beyond that type of reproach from skeptics.  The respect is already starting to take over the skepticism that was much more rampant in the early days.  Now you are one of the stubborn holdouts examples.  Granted, most don't think I'll succeed, but the total rejection that I've done or am doing anything impressive or worthy of some respect you are bringing is now becoming rare.  I have innovated and progressed further than most ever expected and the type of major skeptics like you are really getting quiet anymore.  I still expect "you'll never pull this off" but don't expect "you've achieve nothing of note at all and are a total noob and suck at robotics and literally have achieved nothing" type of people anymore.  But to my surprise they still exist albeit rare.  Give it a few more years and no way I'll see that anymore its just shocking at this point even.
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #62 on: October 04, 2024, 09:23:51 am »
I see you've addressed me, but TLDR. I'm not being rude, it's a fact that the above is too much to read for the amount of value I will extract from it (I watched bits of your video, that was enough).

I merely hoped to respond to Steve and others, not to you, because someone has to say it (for the benefit of hopefully saving other people's time, not you; you are clearly fine with investing that time of course.

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #63 on: October 04, 2024, 10:20:14 am »
and lengthy answers like this   deter people(s) ... to me   that seems way too excessive ... almost aggressive

@Artby you should cool down for a while,   expressing opinions is not bad, nor insulting you

and yes   i did saw bits of video too ....   enough is the same answer

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #64 on: October 04, 2024, 11:49:20 am »
I just want to make a point to anyone following this thread out there, if I may. There are some very advanced robots already being developed by some very dedicated and brilliant engineers. You can search for them easily. For example, one is the Ameca robot here -

I am not at all stating it is the best one but I'm making a point. Look at the design and compare it to the robot being described in this thread. Do you see the differences in the internal mechanisms? Do you see fishing line running around pulleys to simulated human bones, or something different? Do you see them trying to mimic the internal structure of the human body. No, you don't.

The point is these engineers (and other robotic engineers) have used what you see because it is better and necessary to the reliable function of the machine and control functions, and would not have wasted time and money on what is being described in this thread.

Now, you will probably notice that the OP will retort quite forcefully about this, but I'd encourage the reader to just do some research on the topic and see for yourself what the best designers are doing in robotics.

Thank you for reading.
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #65 on: October 04, 2024, 11:59:33 am »
You say relating to Ameca: "I am not at all stating it is the best one but I'm making a point. Look at the design and compare it to the robot being described in this thread. Do you see the differences in the internal mechanisms? Do you see fishing line running around pulleys to simulated human bones, or something different? Do you see them trying to mimic the internal structure of the human body. No, you don't." --- by this you are inferring that no talented and brilliant engineers are using fishing line or similar internal mechanisms and none are using simulated human bones and none are trying to mimic the internal structure of the human body.  This is just your ignorance shining through.  Clone robotics is mimicking the human bone structure of the human body and therobotstudio who is a full time professional robotics expert with degrees in it and 30+ years experience in the field is using fishing line winched by actuators in the forearms to actuate the fingers similar to myself.  Those are just two popular robot makers using a similar approach.  Also Will Cogley is using fishing line winched by actuators in the forearms to actuate the fingers similar to myself.  Will Cogley is a extremely highly respected roboticist and pretty famous within the field.  So you see one robot and think that's the only viable way and anybody with a different approach is dumb and disqualified.  Just ignorance.  Do your homework before confidently speaking nonsense.

You say "The point is these engineers (and other robotic engineers) have used what you see because it is better and necessary to the reliable function" --- by this you infer that pulley systems, fishing line for actuation, and biomimicry for bone structure are all 3 absolute non-starters in the field and absolutely cannot work.  This is utterly false and ignorant to claim.  As proven by the 3 robot makers listed above and many more.  The pulleys system I am using is the only thing truly novel in my approach and is just a alternative to metal gearing which is too noisy.  The fishing lines usage and biomimetic bone structure are both not novel approaches.  Also Therobotstudio used biomimetic bones AND fishing line in his previous line of robots for years and had some significant success there.  Only recently he switched to more hinged based instead of biomimetic bones.

You say "Now, you will probably notice that the OP will retort quite forcefully about this, but I'd encourage the reader to just do some research on the topic" --- the guy who did zero research on the topic and proves his ignorance is encouraging everyone to do more research that he himself failed to do.  Hypocrite.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2024, 12:09:04 pm by artbyrobot »
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2024, 12:03:32 pm »
what's the point of deterring the OP?

go for it, AbR

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #67 on: October 04, 2024, 12:14:17 pm »

You say "what's the point of deterring the OP?" --- I did not detect that motive.  In my assessment, it seems at least a couple of them are striving just to convince all readers of my thread to #1 not take the thread seriously, #2 consider this project a joke and failure as a certainty #3 consider that any ideas I present or designs are all bad as a rule #4 that I suck at coding.

Motives behind this are unclear.  Perhaps they want to help others avoid pursuing robotics in a similar vein to save them time since they see it as a dead end.  They may be right.  I don't think they are right but if that's their goal then that's kind of considerate of them.  But still comes across as haters and rude IMO.  Not tactful in their approach and they have zero regard for me or my feelings etc.  Kind of like sociopaths, brute beasts, wild animals.  Just very disgusting disregard for their fellow man.  Outright mean people.
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #68 on: October 04, 2024, 12:28:12 pm »

What percentage, roughly, of the text you have posted in this thread was written verbatim by a real human being?
And how much has been processed by some kind of modern LLM?

In my opinion, the most fascinating thing about this thread is not the robotics project... It's the author.  I mean that honestly, without rhetoric.

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #69 on: October 04, 2024, 12:40:42 pm »
You say "What percentage, roughly, of the text you have posted in this thread was written verbatim by a real human being?
And how much has been processed by some kind of modern LLM?" --- 100% of the text in this thread posted by me is written by me and I did not consult with an LLM for any of it.  I type 60 WPM and the thoughts flow directly from my mind to my fingers.  In my view, every response one might consider "long" was just as though you started up a topic with me at a dinner party and I gave a sub 2-3 minute verbal response.  It is really not long at all by normal standards.  But this social media twitter generation thinks anything over 1 or two sentences is a book and they don't like to read books.  And each sentence MUST be a sentence fragment with a emoji.  I just am not into that AT ALL.  I have a strong desire to fully express my thoughts thoroughly and by doing so I am also able to avoid misunderstandings of my written message by elucidating my thought fully.

Additionally, I am very passionate about robotics and these topics I enjoy to discuss and a project thread is the only place I feel free to discuss my passion projects.  Many years ago I stopped discussing these topics with friends and family because it bores them.  I have no ears to discuss such things with, even here honestly.  People just complain if I say more than a sentence or two.  Even here people really don't care much about what I have to say.  But the long term historical value of such a thread lends itself to YEARS later a curious reader reading the entire thread ravenously like a book and finding the back and forth fascinating and insightful.  It is really that highly interested reader with a passion for the topics at hand that these messages are intended for mostly.  I myself would very much enjoy finding such a thread and reading it in its entirety if found.  It would be like a goldmine for me personally.  So that type of person is my hopeful target one day.  Hopefully, it will educate them, entertain them, and give them food for thought.  The reader saying I didn't read that long post is NOT my target.  He can care less about any of this.  He doesn't even read the whole thread, has no interest in the project or my thoughts, and is here only to fling cloaked insults and aspersions.
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #70 on: October 04, 2024, 01:15:52 pm »
@artbyrobot -- what I am missing in your approach is some basic estimates on the required forces and velocities for all your "muscles", followed by estimates of the required volume, weight and electrical power consumption (based on commercially available motors).

You are aiming extremely high here with your goal of replicating all degrees of freedom of the human body, in the same form factor and with human-like agility and fluidity of motion. It looks like you started to cobble together pulley drives etc. right away, without at least rough estimates of the performance requirements? You really need to take that engineering approach of starting with top-down estimates, otherwise you will design yourself into a corner.

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #71 on: October 04, 2024, 01:24:12 pm »

You say "The other thing concerning me is the vast complexity of the software that will need development." --- sure that's alot of work but fun IMO.  Worth it.  Also, Boston Dynamics coded most of it by hand.  I plan to code an AI that learns to code itself and thereby codes itself by hand.  So that means the robot itself codes the robot instead of a team taking years to do it.  Way easier that way and way less work that way.

This is what I'm worried about. You think you can write some basic code to kick it off, which will then write the rest of the code for you. But this is so far away from what AI is about and can do that I think you will be disappointed.

The concept is tempting, but I need to explain. Before anyone can write the code - be it AI or human - someone has to specify the functionality, otherwise it'll just grow uncontrollably in random, purposeless directions. And specifying the functionality is what requires 99% of the work, not the coding. Coding is what you delegate to coders: human or otherwise. So there's no chance you can set it going and just sit back. How will it know what its god (you) wants?

To summarise:

1/ The mechanics of the task are keeping the OP occupied and happy. But I don't think the OP understands at all the size of the task required to produce the software. The idea that we can take a little bit of AI code and tell it "build me a word processor", "build me a graphics editor" or "build me a robot" is for the birds. It is magical thinking, and I predict the software will be the downfall of this project.

2/ The OP has an answer to every point raised by others, but I don't believe he is actually thinking about and considering these points. I don't believe the OP has done anything at all to familiarise himself with current state of the art in robotics. People have already made robots with string and pulleys - over 200 years ago!

3/ Apart from the magic software,  I don't think this is fundamentally different from any other automaton, is it? No new technology that I can see, here. It seems too much like lots of other automata (especially the 19th century ones), which begs the question: why am I retreading old ground? And yes, uncannilly lifelike partial robots can be seen all over the place online.

4/ The OP is severely hampered by his Christian belief, because it prevents him from recognising that the human form is imperfect ("God made Man in his own image", so we must be perfect, too) . That puts major and unnecessary constraints on the scope of his ideas.

I don't want the OP to respond to this post, because we are already going in circles. This post is for the sake of balance, when others come to read the thread.
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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #72 on: October 04, 2024, 01:24:49 pm »
100% of the text in this thread posted by me is written by me

This is evasive and doesn't answer the question.  It doesn't preclude you being an LLM yourself (perhaps one set up to try to pass the Turing test).

and I did not consult with an LLM for any of it.
If you are an LLM, you wouldn't need to consult with a second LLM.

Setting up an automated user account that responds to posts in a thread would be trivial to do.  Also probably a violation of the forum's AUP.

Kudos on your typing speed though, I've never known anyone to type that fast and make so few mistakes, very impressive.

Doesn't pass the Turing test in my opinion though :)

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #73 on: October 04, 2024, 01:26:15 pm »
@artbyrobot -- what I am missing in your approach is some basic estimates on the required forces and velocities for all your "muscles", followed by estimates of the required volume, weight and electrical power consumption (based on commercially available motors).

You are aiming extremely high here with your goal of replicating all degrees of freedom of the human body, in the same form factor and with human-like agility and fluidity of motion. It looks like you started to cobble together pulley drives etc. right away, without at least rough estimates of the performance requirements? You really need to take that engineering approach of starting with top-down estimates, otherwise you will design yourself into a corner.

@ebastler: one thing for sure, the OP is NO engineer.

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Re: My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project
« Reply #74 on: October 04, 2024, 11:52:22 pm »

You say "what I am missing in your approach is some basic estimates on the required forces and velocities for all your "muscles", followed by estimates of the required volume, weight and electrical power consumption (based on commercially available motors)." --- I have done this calculation work privately but did not post it on my project public updates.  I have only done very in depth calculations for finger joint actuation so far but the other muscles of the human body are proportional in size to strength ratio with the finger muscles so just knowing the size of motors that work for fingers, you can estimate the size of motors needed for the other muscles accordingly with significant accuracy in my opinion.  In other words, say a human muscle is the size of a thick black permanent marker and another human muscle is twice that size.  If you calculated the motor that matches the first marker, in order to select a motor to match the muscle that is twice that size you'd merely need to find a motor that outputs twice as much as the first motor and generally that means that motor is about twice the size of the first motor in can size volume along with the increased specs being about twice.  Granted it's good to do the detailed math eventually to make sure but this will get you close to estimate when ordering motors initially. 

I will post shortly a full math in detail that I've done and never thought to post (did not think there'd be interest to see it).  In fact, I still am pretty sure there is zero interest in seeing the math I've done on this other than the interest to point out it was not shown in an effort to discredit me and make me look amateurish to poke fun at me frankly.  But regardless the reasons I'll post it shortly.

You say "You are aiming extremely high here with your goal of replicating all degrees of freedom of the human body, in the same form factor and with human-like agility and fluidity of motion." --- I agree it is a high aim but I also am certain this will be the bear minimum standard for humanoid robotics in the future and aiming for anything shy of it now would ensure my project is outdated by the time it's done and would be considered sub par and total trash by people in the future were it not to achieve these minimum benchmarks you just mentioned.

You say "It looks like you started to cobble together pulley drives etc. right away, without at least rough estimates of the performance requirements?" --- that's utterly false.  I first had rough estimates before I began even designing the pulleys and then I had hard specific numbers before I began the physical building of them.

You say "You really need to take that engineering approach of starting with top-down estimates, otherwise you will design yourself into a corner." --- I have done so and so I agree with this advice and practice it already.


You say "You think you can write some basic code to kick it off, which will then write the rest of the code for you. But this is so far away from what AI is about and can do that I think you will be disappointed." --- I assume by this you are referring to popular industry standard AI - like LLMs and their limitations.  I agree with you on that.  Which is one reason why I have zero interest in using or developing LLMs and have no interest in following ANY AI done by ANYBODY else.  I am making my own custom AI that can do this type of thing in question and thrive at it (in theory, ideally).

You say "The concept is tempting, but I need to explain. Before anyone can write the code - be it AI or human - someone has to specify the functionality, otherwise it'll just grow uncontrollably in random, purposeless directions." --- I agree.  I already have laid out for the AI its chores, its roles socially, its "family" aka my own family, etc.  Then its research and self learning and the accompanying code it makes stemming from its research and self learning will be goal oriented toward enabling it to fulfill its chores and tasks as well as its social functions.  This will prevent it from coding irrelevant things that go into too many rabbit holes and wasted time for it. 

Also, I'm not going to release it randomly to just start coding randomly.  I will be directly supervising and revising and overseeing all the coding it does on a regular basis to ensure quality and relevance.  If I see it going into things I deem irrelevant I can tell it to stop that and get back on track for example.  Your notion of it growing uncontrollably like I'm going to set it and forget it is not at all reflecting the very structured way I intend for it to learn and grow and be supervised in its learning.  I will have fine control of the whole process.

You say "And specifying the functionality is what requires 99% of the work, not the coding." --- I disagree.  Not sure really what you even mean by this.  I'd say its the very opposite of what you just said here.

You say "Coding is what you delegate to coders: human or otherwise." --- coding an AI that is custom and world class and one of a kind and completely innovative is not something I would delegate to others.  That is a recipe for failure.  I must do that myself and then hand the baton to the robot itself to assist me in furthering the development.  The core AI that enables an AI to code AI is one AI - I call it the seed.  Once the seed is made, that seed can be planted and grow into a tree.  I'd be the husbandman of that tree, trimming it, watering it, protecting it from bugs, overseeing its progress, and harvesting fruit from it.  I cannot delegate the seed making since that is something never before done to my knowledge and HARD.  I will only delegate the tree growth to the seed.

You say "So there's no chance you can set it going and just sit back. How will it know what its god (you) wants?" --- I already specified what I want like 100 pages of this type of stuff from ethics to rules of social engagements to task scheduling and priorities to daily social interactions to trust systems for sources of new information to what types of research I want it to do etc.  But just as my children IRL don't learn unsupervised, but require constant adult direction, so also it will be as my robot learns and codes itself like my children code themselves with adults supervising.  It is not a sitting back thing at all I agree.

You say "The idea that we can take a little bit of AI code and tell it "build me a word processor", "build me a graphics editor"" --- that's really not quite how this works in my plans though frankly.  The seed (little bit of AI enabling it to code) just gets me to a more collaborative coding arrangement with the AI where it begins self learning with direct supervision and will most likely be quite error prone at first and amateurish - this would be like a child in infancy just learning to learn.  At this phase it requires very strict supervision and is not particularly productive and the goal is just getting it better at coding and giving it more and more rules to clean up its code production and improve that on simple coding tasks.  Only YEARS later as it continues to collaboratively learn with me and gets more and more advanced would it be getting into being able to make independent code for outside software projects.  There's a difference between it coding itself in my own custom coding language for it to code itself and for it to code in C++ or w/e an outside software project for end users to use which you are proposing here.  That's apples and oranges.  I will say that after years of slow growth and correction, the type of requests you posted here may be on the table as possibilities.  But you suggesting that RIGHT OFF THE JUMP from the seed phase it taking on "build me a word processor" and doing that successfully is just a obvious non-starter but I never claimed or intended that understanding.  That type of complex job done by it is at full grown mature tree phase, not seed phase, and that type of job would be mature fruit bearing.  A seedling does not bear fruit yet.  So you are jumping the gun by decades on that type of task ask.  I never was suggesting that.

You say "I predict the software will be the downfall of this project." --- well most predict the software, and every aspect of the hardware will be the downfall or rather the downfall has already happened and I will never even pass the starting line.  So at least you are making it sound like there's a chance on the other stuff! LOL. 

You say "The OP has an answer to every point raised by others, but I don't believe he is actually thinking about and considering these points." --- I disagree.  I have thought about them for many years and already addressed them all years ago.  This is mostly all rehash.

You say "I don't believe the OP has done anything at all to familiarize himself with current state of the art in robotics." --- that's not true.  Every youtube channel even relevant to the field I've seen most of the videos available in even tons of adjacent fields.  Thousands and thousands of hours of study.  Every robot related podcast I've devoured that I could get my hands on as well.  Even lectures given at universities on robotics I've devoured.  My notes are enough to produce books.

You say "People have already made robots with string and pulleys - over 200 years ago!" --- I have not gone into 200+ year old robotics projects research admittedly.  That source of information I have not really come across nor do I think its very relevant necessarily to modern materials and techniques available.

You say "I don't think this is fundamentally different from any other automaton, is it? No new technology that I can see, here." --- there are dozens of innovations I've made from the means of cooling the motors to the means of cooling the air and the manner of water cooling systems and ice cooling systems and peeing systems and the manner in which I attach the motors and the bone sleeves idea and the use of a medical skeleton and the use of bldc motors with external downgearing located physically significantly far away from the motor within the robot, etc etc these are all significant innovations never before done to my knowledge.  So no, there's TONS of new technological breakthroughs I'm bringing here.

You say "It seems too much like lots of other automata (especially the 19th century ones)" --- I know little about that but am pretty sure they had a single motor and the whole thing was like a clock with countless gears and cogs.  Mine is nothing like that.  Not even sure why you make this comparison.  Bizarre.  And they had no software so were not robots.  They were just clocks in a way - well clockwork devices, not time pieces.

You say "And yes, uncannily lifelike partial robots can be seen all over the place online." --- and so what?  None of them can do useful work so someone needs to make them able to do useful work like industrial humanoid robots do while also having the uncannily lifelike robot appearance.  The best of both worlds has not been done and I hope to do it.  Others will do it too and I'm surprised none have even attempted it YET but they will shortly.

You say "The OP is severely hampered by his Christian belief, because it prevents him from recognizing that the human form is imperfect ("God made Man in his own image", so we must be perfect, too) . That puts major and unnecessary constraints on the scope of his ideas." --- I disagree.  I decided its perfect not because the Bible says it is nor because I assumed God intended it to be.  I decided its perfect based on the evidence as I studied it.  It is my assessment of it based on the merits I saw during my study, not because of my Christian ideologies as you falsely suppose.  Also, it is not hampering anything.  If anything my ideas need scope limitations and constraints to prevent me from going for even more unrealistic goals than I already have (which cause so many to complain as is).  You think I've aimed too low and literally everyone else is saying I aimed too high already.  Ironic.

You say "I don't want the OP to respond to this post, because we are already going in circles." --- well I disagree.  I should respond to anything I deem in need of response.  It's actually foolish to not want me to respond to specific points made in your post that are not previously answered and have valid responses readily available.  Also I disagree that we've been going in circles.

You say "one thing for sure, the OP is NO engineer." --- not by formal definition.  But I am doing work engineers do.  So informally I am an informal engineer in the eyes of many.  In fact a colleague who is a university trained engineer and roboticist called me a very talented and creative engineer.  That's a fact. 


You say that when I claim 100% of the text in this thread posted by me is written by me is evasive.  I disagree.  Let me clarify then.  100% of the text in this thread is posted by me, a human being typing with human fingers using a human brain to come up with it and no AI is involved in any way in the text production.  Good luck finding loopholes in that.

You say "It doesn't preclude you being an LLM yourself (perhaps one set up to try to pass the Turing test)." --- I am not an LLM myself typing this and BTW you FAR overestimate LLMs.  They cannot come even remotely close to the level of my responses. 

You say "Kudos on your typing speed though, I've never known anyone to type that fast and make so few mistakes, very impressive." --- LLMs don't type so you just outed yourself by pretending you think I'm an LLM typing this while acknowledging its being typed on a keyboard.  Also, I proof read before I submit so that's part of why there's not many mistakes.  That and a spell checker on my browser.

You say "Doesn't pass the Turing test in my opinion though" --- I'm a man typing at my computer and I don't pass the turing test.  Then the test is flawed.  I mean what is so robotic about my typing that people think I can't be human.  Very odd.

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