I have a DC motor model m3g084-fa22-16, like in this video:
The motor uses RJ-45 connector, with RS-485 communication protocol, to control the RPM and to start the motor on-off, from a control board.
However, I need to find a way to turn the motor on/off without RPM control, and without the RS-485 communication from the board, or at least find the data used to turn the motor on.
The reason for this is that the control board is not working, and it is replaced completely with a mechanical solution, not electronics, in a combi steamer. But replacing the motor to a simple asynchronous AC motor is quite expensive, and since the DC motor works, it might not be necessary.
basically, make it so the motor works just by a switch, that turns it on and off. But there is no manual instruction for the motor on the web, and I'm not sure how it could be done.
One way might be to "sniff" the data the control board sends to the motor with RS-485, and then send the data using a micro-controller for example.
if so, would buying an RS485 to USB converter on eBay, and downloading software to show the data, connecting to other working control board and sniffing the data the control board sends via the protocol and then sending this data by an Arduino for example, would work?