But I personally also really like EAGLE, and know how to use it very well...
Eagle is good enough for my usage. I use the last non-subscription 7.7.0 version.
The thing I like about Eagle is that it is mostly (sort of*) XML.
That means that I can generate/modify libraries, layouts, schematics.
The KiCad gobbledeegook looks like alien G-code.
Schematics seem (?) to use 0.1 inch as a standard.
That means symbols and things use weird numbers in their files.
I keep my own sources for libraries in a non-standard format.
They are basically Eagle, but allow units:
<wire x1="-0.025in" y1="0.05in" x2="-0.025in" y2="-0.05in" width="12mil" layer="94"/>
It's a lot easier on the eyes than looking at random numbers.
They get ground/merged into a standard library format.
* In Eagle 7.7.0 separate closing tags have to be on a fresh line:
<device name=""/> <!-- Bad -->
<device name=""></device> <!-- Bad -->
<device name=""> <!-- OK -->