Searched again today, and couldn't find much, not even the pinout, let alone how/what to talk with the battery pack over SMBus (side note, SMBus is like I2C, so most I2C chips would be compatible with SMBus ).
However, I did found some clues:
1. - all wires but one seem to be floating
2. - the wire that is not floating has a 0.1V level on it, so it is most probably a DO in zero logic
3. - for all other BMS chips except MAX17817, the commercial software needs only a USB to SMBus adapter in order to talk with the battery pack. For MAX17817, however, the same program needs yet another Arduino, so all 3 devices has to be in parallel on the same SMBus: the USB to SMBus adapter, the Arduino board, the battery pack. By the .ino file for Arduino, it seems that the only thing it does is send a stop to the SMBus (which will also release the SMBus for further communications).
4. - From the Arduino sketch, the slave address for MAX17817 seems to be 11 (in decimal).
5. - The paid software can work with a lot of BMS models, but it cost about $300, plus it doesn't start without a physical USB to SMBus bridge installed (made with SiLabs CP2112, which I don't have). No way to spend that much money for a random battery found in an EE dumpster bin. However, it gives some clues for what it is expected to be inside the flash memory of a MAX17817: have plenty of microcontrollers that can talk I2C. Raspberry Pi also has I2C pins, and in Linux there is quite a range of ready made generic I2C software tools, I2C libraries for C and Python, etc.
Point 3, and the fact that one wire is stuck in zero logic (point 2) make sense together. I guess that wire is the data line (SDA) of the SMBus, locked in 0 by the slave, probably because that's how the last end transmission has ended all these hints so far, it feels like I'm halfway there (talking to the battery pack).
Any other advice, ideas, or things I should know before starting?