IMO, the fun part of a robot vacuum is the room solving algorithm (avoiding furniture and pets) which my cheap robot vacuum at home doesn't quite get right. Would be interesting to write new firmware for it sometime if we replace it.
The real value is in the software & algorithms side, absolutely agreed on this part. My aim is to create and continuously develop a DIY + Professional-like vacuum robot which will be versatile, upgradeable and modular (Will not compete with the sells-millions-type giant brands, some tens will be ok for us). Efforts on creating such a platform will also teach us a lot about the way ahead of us in robotics.
What path we are taking in sunday robotics now is;
ProBUDDY Kits ------------> Equipment & Small Sized Robotics -------------> Advanced Systems & AI
We've commercialised the ProBUDDY Kits, about a year after our Kickstarter Campaign (Damn a hard road but fun, we shipped the rewards, I'm also considering creating a tabletop game that teaches about the whole Kickstarter journey in a fun way).
So, now its time to move on with the robots and thought that a vacuum cleaner robot platform might be the first step.
If we can build such a robot (DIY + Professional-like vacuum robot which will be versatile, upgradeable and modular) then we will be able to develop algorithms on it (software is valuable but it need a proper hardware & platform) and also for anyone that is interested.
You can buy whole robot vacuum fan assemblies. There is also the art in a vacuum cleaner of designing the filter and dust catcher, too dense of a filter and the filter clogs before the dust box fills, too little filter and the fan and bearings are gummed up from all the dust going through, and the room dust just gets spread around everywhere.
Definitely true. I experienced that 8-9 years ago while trying to design & build a ducted fan myself. Propeller and fan design (at a spesific speed) is not as easy as it looks. Same will be happening here I know. I will still try them out the home made parts first and then seek for commercial parts for the LARA Mark 1.
The platform will be a combination of the home-made parts + commercial parts. We will (together with you guys) determine which parts will be used as new versions of our product are released (Mark 1, Mark2,3,4 --- ?, on which version did Tony Stark stopped updating the Ironman suit (respect) ? Mark 69?
I think we wont go that far