did some digging today.
the MUX-0 on my TW9910 chip got fried. it would not recognize a composite input
moving the input to mux-03, and swapping to that input in the register over i2c got it the TW9910 to register the input. and start spewing out data in YCBCR 422 format
the SSD1502 is putting out analog RGB to the the LCD, which lights up all white.. no picture though.
the 9v and 3.3v inputs on the lcd boards where dead, so i manually powered those. still no luck
looks there has been a bad voltage reach the LCD's this may be the end of the road
the RGB signals comming out of the board to the LCD is in the 1V PP range. it should vary between around 2+ <-> +9v with common being about 5v
so i tried feeding some signals into the lines... no luck.
so... there are a few things going wrong here i think im going to call it for now.
oh well. well spend weekend tinkering