I want to design/implement a controller for rgbww leds to use in film/photography illumination.
It has to be flicker and banding free, and also it cannot emit any sound in the audible range, which means that leds need to be controlled with pwm above 20khz, my plan is to use 25khz.
All leds will be emitting the same color.
rgbww leds integrate 5 different leds, red, green, blue, and two white leds with different color temperatures, to create different colors and intensities I need 5 pwm pins with different duty cycles running at 25khz, I need enough precision to have a good color spectrum coverage while I am able to dimm intensity, I am not sure how many bits I need, but probably no less than 12, maybe 16.
I will use wifi to control the color/intensity.
These are the leds I will be using:
https://a.aliexpress.com/_BO6lwYthe question is, how do I get 5 pwm pins at high frequencies with enough resolution?
Mi initial idea was to use a eps12 or esp8266 module with a pca9685 or pca9635, but the first one doesn’t provide enough frequency and the second one lacks the precision.
PWM dithering to increase resolution could be an option, but I don’t know what hardware I can use...
This is something I am doing as a hobbyist, so my resources are limited. There are out there illumination products providing what I want, but I really want to learn how to do this.
Thanks in advance.