Passively measuring em fields from a human is going to be difficult. As mentioned, the electrical things going on are quite small and you need to be very sensitive and very close to find them in the noise. Aside from just going to IR or another tech, I think capacitive testing is probably a decent bet - same tech the theremin uses - and basic setups can detect fingers at a few inches, with some tweaking and a decent sized plate, you should be able to get at least a little more distance.
I don't know if this is viable, but what about active field sensing? Basically generating an em field and then monitoring it for changes induced by a human's proximity. Not sure if it is viable because I don't know what power level such a field may need to be, but If you're only detecting the presence of a person, maybe it wouldn't be prohibitive to make an air-core inductor that can tell when it becomes a flesh-core inductor.