I bought the OPA656 evaluation board and configured it as TIA with a gain of 10^9. Used application circuit from the opa656 datasheet.
I enclosed the amplifier in an aluminium shield to avoid EMI.
The amplifier is now connected to a CRO.
Now, I try to disturb the amplifier with body current (since I don't have a precision low current source), the amplifier is oscillating with a square wave with frequency roughly at 40 Hz. The amplitudes of the square wave are the saturating voltages of the opamp. The system is powered with +/-5V regulator which in turn powered from two 9V batteries and no transformers are involved in the design. The power supply is enclosed in a separate aluminium shield. Both aluminium shields are professional ingress protection box bought from SparkFun.
What could have gone wrong? The CRO is of analog type and with an only single trace. I checked the ground loop to my best and found to be ok with it. And by the way, for the information, the frequency at India is 50 Hz from grid power.
How do I troubleshoot such a problem?