Your first suggestion for the electrometer schematic would probably have killed the opamp in very short order.

When you connect the HT probe, the 100 pF cap has to be fully discharged, so you get full accuracy of the meter. But this means the cap needs to be charged. It will do this by drawing current from the opamp/integrator, of course. However, it is being charged from a 20 KV supply, which means that the initial charging current will be equivalent to the 20 KV short circuit current! The only limit to the height of the - very brief- current spike will be the resistance and inductance of the probe wires. The anti-static protection diodes in the opamp will probably have to work overtime for a few moments there...

The second schematic is better, but still problematic, as the charging current spike remains. If the inductance of the circuit layout isn't just
so, then there is still a risk the probe cap will draw its charge through the opamp, instead of charging the electrometer divider. The current spike will be
very fast...

If you happen to have a high value HT capable resistor, exact value or wattage is irrelevant, then wire it in series with the 100 pF cap, in between the probe tip and the cap. It needs to be able to withstand the full 20KV for a brief moment, while the HT cap charges. It will also help when you are done with a measurement, and wish to discharge the HT cap.
If you build the input circuit in free-hand wiring, dead bug style or something similar, then I wouldn't bother with any form of electrostatic screening of the non-inverting input. Air is a plenty good insulator at around 20V or so, which you will reach at that point. I'd only bother with guard tracks, if you mount the opamp on a PCB.