I have a small question. When you say the stages are all tuned for different frequencies
does this mean that if i'm designing say a 5th order Bessel filter with 1kHz cutoff, I should not set the cutoff of all 5 stages as 1kHz ?
You cannot. If all the stages have the same frequency, it is not a Bessel filter. You use the frequencies defined by the formula for the Bessel filter - or Bessel filter tables or filter design programs.
Another thing, can't I assume all resistors and capacitors (apart from the gain resistors) are equal as the document suggests?
No, you cannot.
In fact the biggest job in designing a filter is to keep tweaking the filter parameters, the cuttoff frequency and the component values for the best fit to commercially available component values.
You usually optimize for convenient capacitor values first, and if you can get away with all capacitors being the same value, then you have done brilliantly.
Once you have solved for the R and C values for a filter, you can easily shift them a little. If you increase the Cs by 10%, you have to reduce the Rs by 10%. You do not have to touch the gain resistors. For this operation, you can fiddle with the values in each stage separately.
You can also shift the corner frequency a little without having to resolve. Assuming you have adjusted the capacitors so as many as possible are a convenient value like 1nF, you can then shift the resistors up and down by a fixed percentage until the resistor values have a best fit with a commercial value. You want to do this operation to the whole filter - so if you increase all the resistors by 1% in one stage, do the same 1% increase the the resistors in all filter stages. You will want the best matches in the high Q stages and you can tolerate the biggest errors in the low Q stages.
Try and avoid any really high Q stages. Common capacitors are only about 5% tolerance and you want to be able to use them and not expensive high tolerance capacitors. Better then 1% is hard to get. The higher the Q, the higher the tolerance of capacitors that you need.