Thanks slugrustle for the reply, I really appreciate it. Sorry, in hindsight I was quite sloppy with my terminology.
Please be a lot more specific about what you mean by "the input drive signal" and "the current pulse". I'm assuming "the input drive signal" is somehow EN_P minus EN_N despite the lack of a differential voltage probe, and that "the current pulse" is the current through the coil. Where are you probing the coil current? Is your current clamp measuring the current through C10 or not?
Please sub 'fall time of the coil current' for all references to 'fall time' above. I'm measuring the coil current with a current probe (P6022 in 10mA/V mode, 120 MHz bandwidth, with a Siglent SDS2104X 100 MHz scope), and can't probe the 28V rail since the working unit is a potted module that I'm unwilling to disassemble (given these are quite expensive assemblies). The current measurement it only though the coil (C10/R18 are on the driver PCB). The input signal (trace 3 on the scope shot) is the TTL input on EN_N. I'm feeding EN_P and EN_N from a 75158 differential line driver, which is in turn fed from a function generator. EN_N instead of EN_P since that was easier to probe...
Strangely, the N-channel FETs were identified as not having a body diode.
How are you making this measurement?
I was able to desolder the ASIC (I suppose it's more correctly a hybrid, perhaps an MCM) and hook up the leads to an inexpensive component tester, similar to this: often use it as a first-pass to figure out an unknown device. When testing MOSFETs, they typically show a symbol indicating the presence of a body diode. In this case, it did not, which was somewhat curious in its own right. The schematic attached is my 'best guess' for what's going on within the hybrid/ASIC, and I'm fairly sure I'm far from correct - I'm hoping that folks wiser than me can take a stab at it. I've also attached a schematic that more clearly shows the pins on the hybrid/ASIC - all four FETs are broken out to independent pins (source and drain are on multiple pins on the actual package, for increased current handling). Note the 'diode' connection is just how it tests out with a DMM. The component tester indicates the N-channel FETs have a 1.5V threshold, and about 650 pF gate capacitance. The P-channel FETs have a 3.6V threshold, and 820 pF gate capacitance.
It's a very clever circuit from a time when gate driver ICs in high side or half bridge configurations must have been uncommon and/or expensive. As long as there is some dead time in the N-MOSFET gate drive pulses (Q8 gate voltage is 0V for a brief time before Q9 gate voltage goes to 5V and vice versa), shoot through should be avoided.
The design probably dates back to the mid- to late-90s, from the date codes on some of the ICs, and based on the legacy of the radar system that these were originally bought for. Q8 and Q9 will always have a dead time between them, they are driven by the rising edges of Q and Qbar from U2A, so the time difference between the two is the pulse width of the input pulse applied to EN_P/EN_N.
This is curious. For starters, please probe your +28V rail. If you're really throwing 12A or more into this coil, there will be significant voltage drop across R5 || R6, depressing the voltage on the +28V rail and therefore the voltage across the coil.
As mentioned above, since the working module is potted, I can't probe that node. However, the voltage drop across R5||R6 would in part explain why I have a lower voltage across the coil (some of the pulse energy would come from C2, which while shown in the schematic as a single 10uF cap, on the board is an array of 20 0.47uF ceramic caps). The Rds(on) of the output FETs would also contribute a bit to the voltage drop. I'm confident in the current measurement, I verified it by inserting a 0.5 ohm shunt resistor in series with the coil and measuring the voltage developed across it.
This is a very typical overcurrent detector for an old school analog design. U3 makes 2.495V nominal. Ignore the input current into U1C pin 9 (voltage drop across R11 = 0V) and add the ~120mV required for U1C to change its output state; this gives 2.615V across R9 to get U1C's output to go high, which in turn requires 51.3mA collector current from Q1. Assume Q1 has a gain of 60; you'll need 855µA base current and 52.1mA emitter current. Assume VBE = 0.8V when Q1 is on in this condition. That gives 52.1mA * 26Ω + 0.8V = 2.15V across R7 to turn on Q1. The total current through R5 || R6 to turn on Q1 is therefore 52.1mA + 2.15V / 140Ω = 67.5mA.
R7 ensures that Q1 turns off once the current decays, and C3 helps prevent Q1 from turning on too quickly. The voltage drop across R7 seems quite high unless D1 is either backwards in the schematic or a very special diode (Vf > 2.2V with margin), since D1 can't clamp the voltage across Q1 Vbe and R8, otherwise Q1 never turns on. Based on what you write later, D1 is a normal Zener diode so I think it's backwards in the schematic. Also, are you sure you have the right values for R7 and R8?
I figured the operation was along these lines, though C3 baffled me. It seemed like the 67.5 mA threshold current was too low, I expected it to be the 12.5 A measured through the coil. I too thought D1 was backwards, and checked it several times on two different examples of broken driver boards. Desoldering and measuring the diode shows Vf of 0.6, and a reverse breakdown of 6.8V, which is why I showed it on the schematic as a zener. With it in the orientation shown on the schematic, I would expect ~0.6V across it while the FETs are driving current through the coil, which would be too low to turn Q1 on. It's possible the diode was damaged by the incorrect cable harness, one very obvious failure on all the damaged boards was that R5/R6 were open (like fuses, I guess!) R7 and R8 are 0805 SMD resistors with printed values, and they were checked in-circuit with a DMM. My understanding is that this isn't so much an overcurrent protection circuit as a means to ensure that the coil current has risen past a specified value. Once it's reached a threshold, U1C turns on, and cuts off the set or reset pulse (via U4A/U4C). This happens ~500 ns after the start of each pulse. I can check this by operating the circuit without the coil at the output. Now, the current is zero, but the voltage at the output stays on for approximately 2.5 us, which is set by C5/R13 and C7/R15.
Are your MOSFET models in LTspice good models for the MOSFETs in the ASIC?
No, the purpose of mocking something up in LTspice was to design a replacement for the damaged drivers. My previous post has an LTspice schematic for what I came up with. Most of the gate driver ICs I found were either for N-channel only (and hence used a bootstrap cap to generate the gate voltage for the top FETs), or were suitable for complementary FETs but could not tolerate the 28V supply voltage. As a power electronics noob, I'm not sure if what I'm attempting is bog-standard and easy (15A in 500 ns, falling back to 0A in ~150 ns - it seems scary fast to me), so I would like to try simulations first to get a reasonable design that I can make a PCB for. Additional constraints I would try to hit: available supply voltages are +5 and +28, the original board is 1"x1.5"). Thermally, this design is straightforward since the FETs are only active for a very short duty cycle (two switching events every 200 us).
This strikes me as very low inductance for a relay, but I have zero experience with "latching circulator coil"s in RF circuits.
The Wikipedia article on RF circulators ( has a
picture of a latching circulator (under the title 'switching circulator') implemented in WR-90 waveguide (8-12 GHz). The channel in which the ferrite puck is placed is approximately 2.5 cm across. The ones this circuit is designed to drive are WR-10 (75-100 GHz), so about 1/10th the size. Even on the WR-90 circulator pictured in the article, the coil was quite small, so I'm somewhat confident that the inductance measurement is good. Circulators don't really behave like relays, the current pulse through the coil creates a remanent magnetization within the ferrite puck which sets the direction in which the circulator operates. By flipping the current pulse (and hence the magnetic field) around, you can change the circulator direction, implementing a super low loss, fast RF switch with very high power handling. The isolation isn't so great (~20 dB), but one gets around this by stacking multiple circulators. We do this in our millimeter-wave pulsed radars at Ka- and W-band to switch between transmit and receive mode.