I forgot to include the 300A fuse (which is also for capacitors still a good idea) in the internal resistance parameters, it is estimated to have a DC resistance of 375 uOhm, as far as I can find information about that. But I don't see it back in your resistance estimates either or is it already included in one of the parameters?
I also simulated 4x BCAP3000s (which I own myself also), they need at least 2x 1 meter AWG8 to not pass the current limits and are then capable of supplying 100 Joule in 25 ms. So they are real "beasts", but a lot of power is "burned" in the cabling. If a higher voltage than 10.8V is required, this spot-welder would be unsuitable for more than 4x BCAP3000, at this moment, for the currents produced.
You are correct, the power supply should be the "CC first then CV" type of power supply, that is also what the circuit is simulating.
I didn't simulate a balancer, that would normally operate in parallel of the capacitors shown. But yes, I would at least recommend a "top balancer"/protection for these capacitors. It would need quite some "MOSFet switching" to be able to charge the capacitors individually, I think the current proposed solution with the CC/CV power supply with one additional MOSFet would be a more practical solution.