Axel, do you have any schematic of your fixed version? Could you maybe post it here?
Thank you, Lukas
It seems that there is so much discussion about the circuit already that all of the issues are covered. Since this circuit seems to be doomed I'm not too eager to publish my revision. (and there is not updated paper version anyway).
However, as a summary, comparing to the Electronics Lab version:
- transformer 180VA 38V
- Q3, U1 and U3 regulated to 26V
- U2 regulated to 35V
- U2 = OPA604
- removed R13, R14, Q1 circuit
- much bigger input and output caps
- Q4 as double 2N3773
- "adapter style" -solution in 5V reference. Used the original circuit and ISL21009 based voltage reference
- R7 to 20W
- small tweaks in component values, added few coupling caps to new power rails etc etc
- overheat protection capability (by separate control unit)
(proper heat dispatching must be taken care of - as probably mentioned everywhere)