Prototyping of what? Like, there are actual applications for signals like this (undefined* impedance, high voltage, ~ns edge or width, rep rates up to MHz), but it's esoterica like particle accelerator beam dump (deflector plate) drive, or Pockels cell drivers (switched/pulsed lasers).
If you just want to look at something on a scope... then do that [the video] I guess? Isn't anything fancy, anything will do. Break it down to simpler problems: what is a gate driver, what does it need to do? What does a MOSFET need for input? Output? How to design switching circuits? What does the inductor need to do? How can you model the RLC equivalent turn-off (flyback) circuit, and resulting transient waveform? Why does it ring? What is the peak voltage determined by? (And why does it blow transistors?)