You might want to look at HDMI over ip ,
There are usually two ways these work, Normal units have a HDMI to IP tx unit then a IP to HDMI rx unit but more industrial ones can have one main and many child units for example the OREI 1 to 6 HDMI extender.
Some newer models work with smart tv's and can view the HDMI signal via a website or app so you would have only a Main unit to encode and all the tv's get the picture via LAN or wifi.
A company called brightlink provides 65 channels in and up to 200 units out via lan and wifi, it can be small or large setup (eg master video server+billing platform) and also carry IR signals for channel switching & setup/maintenance as well as logging channels watched etc and also TV control (eg auto power on, auto channel select etc)
I have installed a brightlink at a hotel and must admit it was easy , the model they supplied had GB lan passthrough so only one cable required for each room and it was all auto setup via the app on android , it detected the all the units and TV types and took less than a afternoon for 100tv's, it was as plug and play as you get.